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Tips on choosing your accessories (B)

Nowadays accessories have become a big deal, as they are more accessible to everyone and the palette of choices is really big. But, just like in the case of… well, anything, having too many choices can lead to confusion. If until recently women’s accessories were the only accessories around, now more companies produce accessories for men. But the rules Tips on choosing your accessoriesof choosing them are the same.

When you are choosing jewelery or other accessories (hats, scarfs, sunglasses etc) think about the message that you want to send out. Your accessories should make a statement about who you are, if you are hip or elegant, eccentric or down-to-earth etc.


The most important thing about accessories is size: yes, we know, but in the world of accessories, bigger is not always better. Accessories should be proportional to your body size! Big body frames go better with larger accessories, while slim body types go better with smaller accessories. Wearing small accessories if you have a big body frame will only make you look bigger and the other way around.

The same goes for belts and ties!

Another thing to consider of course, is if the accessories are occasion-appropriate. You don’t want to wear expensive rubies or something on a field trip or something like that. If you choose to wear cheaper jewelery at an elegant event, it should be done tasteful and for a reason.

When it comes to metals, remember that both gold and silver are neutrals, so they go with anything and also go together well.


We also need to address colors: while gold and silver are neutrals, other colors are not, so we recommend our article “How to professionally choose the colors of your clothes” to learn about mixing colors. It’s not always about matching, the rule is “colors must not match, they must go”.

Remember that wearing tons of accessories is a rather bad thing, as you generally want your clothes to be the main actors, and the accessories to play the supporting roles. The accessories should make your clothes stand out and make a fashion statement about you!


When you buy accessories, don’t go for imitations or cheap plastics, it’s telling and you’re better off without any accessories than with accessories that look bad.

In future articles we will discuss each accessory type and how it impacts your look. However, these are rules that apply to all and that you should keep in mind when you buy a new item! So, good luck shopping and accessorize well!


Fraquoh and Franchommme






P.S. What accessories do you like to wear? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Click around on our website for more articles on ties, cufflinks, bow ties, glasses and everything else!

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