
What Is Thread Count and Why It Matters (B)

What is thread countWe often talk about the quality of clothes and fabrics on Attire Club. It is a true thing that quality clothes are better. It is not just a fake pretense or trifle.  Bottom line is, that it is truly important to have good fabrics and materials because they are better for your skin, they feel better and therefore make you feel better, they also last longer and look a lot better than cheaper fabrics. Moreover, it’s important to have quality materials not only when it comes to clothes, but also when it comes to beddings, carpets and more. Sleeping and living in a fake environment does not affect your living in a good way, so this is why you should always take interest in what the things you buy are made out of.


One of the characteristics of a fabric, whether it’s used for clothing or linens in “thread count”. We have actually mentioned it on the blog before, but today we want to give you better insight into what thread count is and why you should worry about it.


Thread count is one of the basic measures to understand the quality of your clothes. It is specific to fabrics that are woven together by threads, like cotton. It’s an important scientific measurement that is government controlled and used as a measure of fabric quality all over the world. The higher the thread count, the better the quality of your fabric, because the more there are the finer they are.


Technically speaking, thread count means the number of threads that were woven together in a square inch when the fabric was made. So, for example, if you have 150 threads on the length and 150 on the width, you would get a thread count of 300.


But what number should you look for? It is said that 200 is OK, while 400 or higher is really fine and smooth and is probably going to go a long way. Australian brand “ILoveLinen” goes even up to 1000 when it comes to their bedding products. Now that’s something!


The better quality the fabric the softer it will be, when it comes to cotton. When choosing cotton pants, t-shirts, and bed sheets, the most expensive and best ones will be the ones the highest count. Some fashion houses source their cotton from Egyptian or Italian fabric makers that are famous for growing and sourcing the very finest cottons.


The quality and type of your cotton will also have a material (pardon the pun) effect on the way your fabrics are dyed and coloured, as well as how you should wash and care for them, so it’s worthwhile knowing the basic chemistry of how your fabrics are made and treated. Hasn’t everyone had the experience of washing an item of clothing and have it come out a different color from when it went in? It’s really unpleasant to have clothes that change their color and quality, which is why we stress the fact that it’s better to own quality products, even if they are more expensive, than cheap ones that go bad fast and need to be replaced.


Even though some things might be more expensive, you don’t have to get them all at once. You might worry that they will go bad until you get to buy all the clothes, linens or curtains you need, but trust us, the quality stuff will go a long way and there’s a good chance you will enjoy it all.


So, now that you have added the parameter of “thread count” to the list of things you know, you will have a better experience shopping and a better experience wearing and using better pieces.


Fraquoh and Franchomme






P.S. Do you look for the thread count number when you get clothes or linens?



10 replies on “What Is Thread Count and Why It Matters (B)”

I find good quality fabric the most important thing, after of course, if you like how the clothes look like. If the quality is not good, I never buy it. When you start trying to make clothes on your own, you see what quality does to everything you do. It’s important.

Yesss!! Only if you give something, you will get success, it comes from positive energy, there you go!!! I have no big group of followers yet but I don’t care, every feedback is great if it’s for your work!!

I think more people should take thread count into consideration – sometimes an item might have many great features, but if it has a bad thread count, it s not as good!

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