Culture Opinion And Commentary

The Gap in the Body Positive Movement

Although the runways have been breaking down gender barriers, implementing more and more co-ed fashion shows, there seems to still remain some gap areas that need to be bridged – one of which is body image issues. Body Positive Movement influencer Tim Gunn has openly discussed on numerous occasions this industry gap, namely that designers […]

Fashion Editorials

Toys, Body Image And Gender Roles

As children, we are introduced to the world through colorful books and toys, through songs and small poems that make us figure out the so-complicated world. But what if these introductions have a side effect that can lead not to the desired discovery of the world, but to a false perception of what the world […]

Metafashion Opinion And Commentary

Discussions On Men’s Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is something people often talk about, but don’t completely understand. In this article, we analyze it’s cultural impact, medical meaning and offer some insight into how to choose a doctor and what to expect from the surgery. This article does not replace a visit at a doctor’s office and does not claim to […]