Well, it`s almost here! Christmas time is quickly approaching, and for some of you, depending on the time zone you live

in, it might already be here! We hope Santa brought you whatever you wished for! Anyway, this time of year is really a party-packed couple of weeks, so we thought you might want to use some of our etiquette advice on parties! What`s great about these tips is that they do not apply just to Christmas or New Year, they apply to every party.We divided the article in two: what you need to know if you are a host, and what you need to know if you are a guest!
So, if you are hosting a party
- Make sure when you invite people, that they know exactly when, where and how to get there! It`s nothing worst if half the guests you are expecting are coming an hour late, get lost, or don`t know how to get where you need them to be.
- Plan well. And by this we mean take care of the details of your party. Make sure you have enough food and drinks, enough chairs, enough space, enough forks etc etc etc.
- Make your guests feel good. Look after each guest as much as you can! If you see a guest hanging out alone, don`t leave them like that! Also, if you are having music, make sure it`s something no one will mind listening to.
- Don`t be a planner! If something goes wrong, a dish does not turn our the way you wanted to, don`t cry over it and go into panic mode. It`s most likely people will not even notice!
- Be appreciative! Make sure you tell everyone thank you for coming, and be appreciative of the gifts (or just the fact that they bring them) some might bring!
Ok, so we decoded the most important aspects of being a proper host. Now let`s have a look at how to be a proper guest!
- Being a good guest is more than what you do after showing up. First of all, you must make it very clear to the host on whether you are going or not. Also, you can kindly ask on whether you should bring something. Communication is key!
- Make sure you dress occasion-appropriate! We often talk in our advice post about dressing for the thing you are going to. It`s important to think on how you dress. If it`s a formal party, you won`t dress like a surfer and vice versa.
- Do not bring anyone with you! This tip does not need any advice. You can bring someone with you though, if it`s something you and the host find normal, but in general that`s a don`t!
- Greet the people you meet! The rule is that the person who walks into a room must say hello, not the people who are there.
- Bring a small gift. Bring a big gift (if you can and want to).
- Don`t eat too much.
- Be careful with the topics of conversation you put on the table (no pun intended). Especially if you don`t know someone there, you don`t want to talk about how you think the problems of the Middle East need to be solved.
- Thank the host. Don`t exaggerate! If you thank them again after the party, it`s ok, but not more than once!
Hopefully you enjoyed reading these guidelines! We hope they help you and maybe you`ll use them! We hope you have wonderful parties. Also, feel free to share them with your friends!
Thanks for reading!
Have wonderful holidays all,
Yours truly,
Fraquoh and Franchomme