Attire Club World

Links à la Mode

Guess what everyone? 2013 started out rather good for us! A while ago, we joined a social networking page called “Independent Fashion Bloggers”, ifb short. There, there is a weekly contest called “Links à la Mode”, where 12 posts are featured from those submitted by the tens of thousands of users of the Ifb. And guess what, after a few weeks, we got choosen! We don`t know if it counts, but we were on the third place on the list!

So, we just wanted to let you know that our post “15 fashion facts” was the one that got us there, and that if we got chosen, you are in good hands!

So thank you ifb, Victoria McGinley who was responsible for the “winners”,  thank you to our readers, subscribers, Twitter and Facebook followers!

If you are not already following ATTIRE CLUB, you can Like us on our FB page, follow us on Twitter, or via e-mail, by clicking the button on our home page!

As you know, Attire Club was also nominated for the Liebster, a blogger to blogger appreciacion award.

The thing when you win on ifb, you need to copy the following on your blog, so here it goes!

Thank you again to all our readers! Keep in touch!

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Happy New Year!!

Edited by: Victoria of vmac+cheese

Twenty Thirteen. Can you believe it’s actually here? I, for one, adore this time of year. The holidays are special for sure, but the new year has its own kind of magic — one filled with positivity, hope, dreams, passion, and the chance to make this year even better than the last. What could be more beautiful than that? As we start a new year of blogging, I always like to take a little time to reflect on what should evolve on my site and what should stay the same. And there’s nothing like seeing how other bloggers approach their sites to give you plenty of inspiration!



Shopbop Bikinis: The Row, Suecomma Bonnie, Aperlai, YSL, Sleep n Round, Ferragamo Shoes, Wang Sandals, APC, Little Bra Co., Versace

If you would like to submit your link for next week’s Links à la Mode, please register first, then post your links HERE where you see “Links a la mode next week’s date (official)”. The HTML code for this week will be found in the Links a la Mode widget on the right side of the blog, and will be published later today. ~ Jennine

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