Shaving might be a common thing, but the way it is done has changed a lot in during the years. Now we know better, so we do things in a better way! Take a look at this guide and find our the state-of-the-art techniques and advice for a close and perfect shave. Our indications are not unbreakable rules, or established facts you need to follow, they are our indications that might help you get a better shave. Each person is different, so you know best what works for you. So, here they are:
The shave
- First of all, it is recommended that before you shave your face you hydrate it really good. This means that you can take a shower. If you don’t have the time, you can use a wet towel (you can use warm water) to moisturize your face. Now, because of the hot water, your pores will open and will be easier to cut the hairs.
- There is no answer to what products works best. Through trial and error you can find the perfect shaving cream for you, but as a general rule we would say that if you have sensitive skin, shaving gel is better than cream.
- Use a blade that is as flexible as possible. Use light strokes on small areas and don’t force the blade too hard.
- It is best to shave with your grain first.
- Regularly rinse your razor in hot water. If necessary, tap it on the sink, but don’t tap the blade as it will become dull.
- There is an ongoing debate about shaving in the opposite direction of the direction your hair is growing in. Some say it`s the best way to get a smooth shave, other say it will only irritate you! Try it and see if works for you!
- After you are done shaving, clean your face with warm water and then with cold water to close your pores and avoid dirt entering among them.
- Use after-shave gel or any other product that works best for you, but make sure not to overuse it, as the smell might be too much.
- Let the blade dry itself (don’t forget to wash it first).
Electric razor vs manual razor
Electric razors work in a different way than manual razors, they shear the whiskers and do not cum them straight. However, many men consider them to be a lot cleaner, as most electric razors don’t need water. Also, an advantage to electric razors would be that there are less chances of cuts and scrapes. This is why we recommend that if you need to go quickly after you shave, use an electric razor to make sure you won’t get any undesired cuts.
Also, if you are using an electric shaver you want to begin the opposite way as you wanted if you were to shave with a blade: your hair needs to be as dry as possible. With an electric shaver you can go any way on your face.
 ÂTreating shaving cuts
Of course we all know the old toilet paper trick, which usually does the job, but there are more modern ways to treat shaving cuts like styptic pencils. Another thing you can use is an ingredient called aluminum chloride, which is good for the skin. More out of the ordinary solutions are lip balm or petroleum jelly.
Additional information
Also, many wonder how much they should use a “disposable” razor. The answer is that you can use it from three to a maximum of eight times.
Another thing you need to remember is to exfoliate your skin in order to prevent ingrown hairs or other bumps.
There are many “debates” on what proper shaving is. Some say doing it one way is best, others say you should do it the other way! The answer is that the best way is the best way for your skin. Even though generally men have thicker skin than women, men also have all types of skins: sensitive, dry, fat etc. See what technique works best for you and what products work best for your face!
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. Share your thoughts! What technique works best for you? What do you do to get a close shave?
4 replies on “A Guide to Proper Shaving (B)”
Reblogged this on misentopop.
I’m pinning this as a must have for the fellas.
Cool, thanks for spreading the word!
Shaving seems to have become easier today with many choices of razors and shavers to choose from. Nice post.