There are many people today who want to look and feel their best but don’t have the necessary tools to do so, and who would like to know the difference between different types of shoes but are lost in the details and give up. This is why in what follows, you can read a quick and smart guide to men’s dress shoes and see examples for the main groups of shoes.
Oxford shoes originated in Scotland and Ireland and are laced shoes characterized by shoelace eyelet tabs that are stitched underneath the vamp. Historically, these shoes were plain and made out of leather, but now they have many embellishments and colors. These are shoes that can be worn at formal occasions and usually have an elegant feel to them. They are timeless, versatile, go great with suits and are formal.

Monk strap shoes are shoes that have no lacing, closed by a buckle and strap.In terms of formality, monk strap shoes are between oxford shoes and derby shoes. Monk strap shoes have either one strap or two straps. There is no rule to wearing one or two, but we would consider the strap in this case an accessory, so the bigger the guy, the bigger and more the straps, and the thinner the guy, the thinner the strap and strap number.

Brogues and Wingtips are similar shoes, but they’re not quite exactly the same. Actually, they are not similar, but many people can’t see the difference, so here we are to clarify: brogues are any shoes that have perforations on it. These perforations have, of course, decorative purposes. Historically, these perforations used to let the water out which would flood the shoes in the Scottish and Irish weather. Wingtips are any shoes that have a W shape design on the toe cap. A shoe with the W design minus the perforations is also a wingtip. There are also full brogues and semi-brogues.  full brogue is a combination of the W design and perforations, while a semi-brogue is mostly characterized by perforations on the toe cap and some serration on the edge of the cap.

Loafers & Moccasins are slip-on shoes and are one of our favorites. The difference between loafers and moccasins is that they have different origins and are slightly cut differently. The big difference is that loafers have a distinct heel, so many would argue that the difference is basically in the sole. The cool thing about this type of shoes is that they come in such a huge variety that it’s hard to say precise if they are to be worn at formal occasions or at casual ones. It really depends on the fabric and the color of the shoe. Dressier loafers can be worn at formal occasions, while colorful ones that come in more casual fabrics, should be worn at work or casual occasions.

There you have it, the main types of shoes are now at your fingertips, or, toe’s tips.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
What is the difference between moccasins and loafers and how to wear them?
6 ways to maintain your shoes in the winter
P.S. What do you think? Which type is your favorite? Why?
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13 replies on “The Different Types Of Men’s Dress Shoes (B)”
Reblogged this on Men Shoe Style.
I think my favorite is the monk strap shoe by Gucci and the wingtip shoes, I think because I’ve always had a thing for more formal shoes on guys 🙂
Thanks for your comment. Yes, monk strap shoes are not very casual and they look well.
Wingtip shoes? A classic! I have a thing for male shoes in special when paired in a dandy style!
Yes, wingtip shoes are a classic!
That loafer isn’t àloafer, it’s also a mocassin.
Thank you for your comment. Your input is appreciated.
However, in this case we would argue that you are wrong. The shoe featured in the article is a loafer because:
1) It doesn’t have any laces
2) It has a very slim sole (as opposed to the moccasin, which as you can see has a bigger sole)
Loafers differ from moccasins not only in terms of design, but also in terms of how they are constructed! You can read more about the differences between the two styles here:
Best wishes,
I love all of these, but I feel derbys are a little too 1920s..
Are you referring to the derby shoes we featured or derby shoes in general? If you are saying in general, then, yes, derby shoes, as well as other styles, can look a little 1920s. Men’s shoes have not changed a lot in the last 100 years, which is why you might feel that.
I beleve that omkstrpas are for older men, aren’t they?
Hello Jarreem,
Thank you for the comment! Monkstrap shoes are more conservative indeed, but if you find a youthful pair, you can definitely wear it as a younger man too!
I like wingtip shoes, you;re right I can wear them with jeans and with dress pants!
Great to hear that, they are the most versatile of the bunch!