With winter approaching, you might need to buy a new coat or jacket for the cold season. We know that the choice is very hard to make, since the winter jacket is one item we wear all the time in winter. It can be hard at times to decide which winter jacket is best for you and many men are afraid to make the bad decision. So here is a guide to overcoats, jackets and what to look for when you are buying one.
Men’s winter jackets are diverse, but they all subscribe to the same criteria. So, whatever your style, here are a few things you should look for when buying a new jacket:
In terms of fabric, wool and cashmere are the best options out there. However, depending on the temperature, leather jackets might also do the job in some contexts. We would not recommend jackets that are completely made out of synthetic fibers, since these won’t allow your body to breathe. Synthetic fibers keep either too warm and make you sweat unnecessarily, or they keep so cold, that no matter what you do, you won’t be able to get warm.
What’s also important in this chapter is that whatever style or type of jacket you choose, make sure that it’s light. If you feel your jacket the least heavy, don’t wear it! It might seem OK at first, but after wearing it for hours your back will get exhausted.
The style of your jacket is very important, since it speaks very much about who you are and your personality. While some jackets say “action guy”, others are definitely the mark of a “business man”. Let’s go through some styles and see for what kind of guy we would recommend them.

The jacket you wear is also an indicator about how you feel about yourself and what you do. Many young adults are struggling to find the right jacket because they are in-between teenage and full-grown adulthood. For them, we’d recommend a jacket that is just that: neither. For example, the quilted jacket by Barbour is a great example of what we could see a young man dress up in. It’s casual, but still elegant and sophisticated.

For those who wish to have a formal look we recommend a long overcoat. This overcoat means business and it’s length is quite conservative. The length of your coat is also important, many men discuss whether they should wear a longer or a shorter coat. Shorter coats are usually more appropriate for younger guys, while longer ones are better for older men. Some say a longer coat can elongate you if you wish to look taller, while a shorter jacket will make you look bulkier. However, it’s the overall fit that matters.

For those of you who wish to keep it business but on a more creative, young and fun side, can go with a coat that’s not as formal as the classic black overcoat. Search for something with a classic cut and a twist in terms of shape, color or pattern.

The extreme version of that guy, let’s call him the “eternal hippie“, can wear a colorful jacket in winter as well. We usually don’t recommend jackets in such bright colors if you have a lifestyle where you walk a lot because on such a jacket any drop of rain or dirt sprung from the street will be visible. However, if you are a car person, you can pull color off quite well.

For a more sporty or casual guy, we recommend jackets inspired by the military such as the Vince ‘Shower Proof’ cargo jacket. They are more flexible and go great with both a tie and shirt, but also with jeans and a sweater. They’re ideal for a day out in the snow or meeting people over at the Christmas fair.

Still inspired by the military, but with a more formal twist to it is this jacket, the Rod and Gunn ‘Gimmerburn’ linen jacket which kind of combines all the styles we presented before. It’s formal, but it goes great for casual environments too. It’s young but could suit and older man perfectly. It’s classic, but through it’s cut it makes a statement about a modern view of the world.
We are totally convinced that everyone’s heard a person from a shop say “wear a jacket that’s a size bigger, because you will wear it with something bulkier underneath.” Well, let us tell you the truth: that’s not how it goes. First of all, all your clothes should fit! The shirt, sweater or whatever you are wearing should fit and the jacket has a jacket cut that fits theoretically (and it should allow practically as well) your body even if you are wearing something underneath. A good jacket is made with the thought in mind that it’s going to be worn with something underneath. That’s how most people wear them.
What’s also very important is that you should be able to carry a bag or a backpack when you are wearing a jacket. Some guys wear such big, bulky jackets that they can’t basically carry anything. Think of your accessories as well when you are considering a jacket. And that brings us to our next point.
Your wardrobe
It is very important that the jacket or coat you are wearing matches the rest of your clothes. Sometimes men are so taken by a piece, that they buy it and simply don’t realize that it won’t go with any of their clothes. In fashion, harmony is key and you wish to project a whole package rather than an incomplete work. Make sure your jacket goes with the rest of your clothes in terms of color, fabrics and style.
You don’t want to look like your jacket fell from the sky, even though that would be nice, wouldn’t it?
Now that you’ve found your jacket, remember to care for it when the spring arrives. Take it to the dry-cleaners and wrap it in a suit hanger until winter comes around again. Next year, you will already have a jacket and won’t need to run from shop to shop in the search for a new one.
In short, a quality jacket is a jacket or a coat that fits your lifestyle, your needs and speaks about who you are. Choosing the right one and maintaining it well will make it last many years and offer you both comfort and attitude, since, as we know, attitude is the key of style.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. We want to hear from you! What tips do you have when it comes to buying jackets? What type of jacket do you like? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!
5 replies on “A Guide To Men’s Winter Jackets (B)”
You have no idea how happy I am that the bubble jacket didn’t appear here. Why weren’t hooded jackets suggested?
Hy Daniel, we left out hooded jackets as in a way we consider them to be more of a work-out / sports piece, although some hooded jackets look good as casual wear too.
What do you think?
And about the bubble jacket… well… you got it 😛 !
These winter coats are really nice. I always love to find great coats that are discounted.
I love the Barbour jacket, it’s really timeless, I’d wear it this winter!
We agree, it’s an amazing piece of clothing!