Clothing and money

Fashion and clothes are for everyone highly connected with money. Sometimes, the value of a piece is given simply what someone is willing to pay for it, as we could see in an article we wrote back a few months ago on the most expensive clothes.
Usually, money is an aspect we all take into consideration when we are buying clothes. For most of us, shopping is not done without looking at the price and the question: is it worth it?
We want our clothes to be great deals, but many people don’t know exactly how to establish whether a piece of clothing is worth its price or not. This is where the cost/wear ratio comes into game.
For some people, such as the 200 haute couture buyers from around the world, the idea of getting a “deal” is not important, therefore they are spending over 100,000 for a piece that they will only wear once or twice before it goes into a museum. Such a piece is not designed to be worn multiple times or to be “worth it”; it is destined to show at what level fashion as a craft can go and the wealth of the wearer.
Clothing is strongly associated with money. Every piece you buy should be regarded as an investment!
The one question many people ask is whether they should buy expensive clothes. The answer is yes and no. On the one hand, you should know that if an item is too cheap, you should ask yourself why it is so cheap, as generally too cheap clothes are not made from quality materials, don’t have a good cut, are not well designed and comfortable and are probably going to go bad very fast. On the other hand, if an item is too expensive you can and actually should ask yourself why it is so expensive. It might be worth it or it might not. The only way to find out is to ask. Before purchasing an expensive item, ask your vendor (off or online) why the product costs what it costs. Quality fabrics, expertise and careful crafting are going to be expensive, no doubt about that. You can’t expect to buy something in which there has been made a lot of investment (materials, expertise, time, transport, etc.) and pay nothing for it. But if your vendor can’t answer why that item is so expensive, then it is probably a scam or you are just paying for a label. Don’t forget, your attitude is just as important as the clothes you wear!

The cost/wear ratio
The cost/wear ratio is a very important factor you should consider when you are buying new clothes. Here is how it works. You should divide the price of the item you consider buying by the number of times you approximate that you will be wearing it. The formula is:
Price : Number of time it will be worn = cost/wear ratio.
Of course, you want the end result to be as little as possible.
So if you are buying a $100 item, but you will wear it 200 times, the cost per ratio is calculated as it follows:
100 : 200 = 0.5
A $0.5 cost/wear is quite low. Just think about the fact that a good, well-crafted casual shirt or jacket can be worn for years in a row! Of course, the value of money depends on the place in which you live, so what is cheap in the USA or in Europe can get quite expensive in other parts of the world.
Furthermore, when you are calculating the cost/wear ratio, you should always consider what it is you are buying. Formal pieces and accessories will cost more than causal pieces, even though the casual ones will be worn more. A tuxedo will definitely have a bigger cost/wear ratio than a casual shirt, undoubtedly.
If you are buying formal clothes, you should always think of when you will be able to wear them again. Even the people who wear haute couture write down the times they have worn a piece. Don’t buy clothes you are going to wear only once, unless you have a reason to do so.
In conclusion, there is not a “good” price range, but the factor that established whether a piece is worth buying or not is its versatility and wearabilty. Always consider the quality of the garment and how and why you want to wear it. Also, always make sure that the piece is the least versatile and that it matches at least some of the items in your closet. There is no reason you shouldn’t buy clothes or accessories that are fashion statements and which should be bought for that reason only.
When you are buying clothes, make sure you have a budget which you split into “what you need”, “what you want” and “others”. Always make sure that you have a complete wardrobe and that it is worth its money!
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. How do you decide whether a piece is worth the money or not? How much did you spend most on a piece? How about least? Share your questions, comments or feedback below!
4 replies on “Fashion and Money: How Much Should You Spend on Clothes: The Cost/Wear Ratio Explained”
I definitely am that person that calculates cost per wear. Though I hate math I love good quality clothes and for pieces (like my leather jacket) that I’ll wear time and time again I make sure to invest in quality or quantity.
Eric Jess
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the message! It’s great to hear that you lke to invest in good pieces!
This information is – to keep the tone – worth a lot! Thanks!
You’re welcome!