A bow tie is a symbol of elegance and a well-established fashion staple that is the mark of a well-dressed man.
For those who are looking for something more original and eye-catching, now there is a bow tie style with a twist available in the world of men’s accessories: wooden bow ties. Wooden bow ties are a new version of the classic accessory. A wooden bow tie is a definitely a piece that will look great on you and that will draw the right kind of attention.
Wooden bow ties are not only stylish fashion pieces; they are also great social helpers, as they make for amazing conversation starters or discussion topics.
Where to find them

There are several brands that offer wooden bow ties. SwitchWood for example, is a US brand that creates amazing wooden bow ties, made in an environmental manner and with wearability and style in mind.
They definitely make you rethink the usage of wood in crafting high-end products and in using it as a fashion statement. In today’s fashion world, most statements are usually made from the shape and style of a garment, and SwitchWood, even though their pieces have extraordinary shapes, make a statement through the use of material, which is something that is really unique and original. What makes SwitchWood truly unique is that the wooden wings are in fact detachable and can be interchanged with other wing shapes and types of wood which allows it to be more versatile with whatever outfit you decide to wear.
Incorporating wooden bow ties in your looks
Wooden bow ties are great pieces and go perfectly with casual outfits or with dressier outfits worn in a relaxed environment, such as an exhibition opening or any other setting in which you want to make an impression.
What is really special about wooden bow ties is that they can be worn with both a very casual outfit, and with a suit, which makes them a very versatile piece, and therefore, for those who enjoy them, a must-have.

We don’t usually recommend wearing bow ties to events where there is a strict dress code, as you might end up getting a look from the host.
Advantages of wearing wood bow ties
There are several advantages of wearing a wooden bow tie, such as:

1. They are very easy to put on. Due to their construction, wooden bow ties are really easy to manipulate. It really takes just a few seconds to put one on and you won’t have to worry that it is well-tied or not, that it folds, or about any other issue you might have with a bow tie made from textile fabric
2. They are a great way to style up your outfit. The fact that they are made from wood is a guarantee that they will always be in the right shape, and therefore, whenever you put one on, you will add structure and balance to your outfit.
3. Wooden bow ties stand out. Wooden bow ties are still a novelty, even to the fashion world, so if you want to wear something that will stand out, but feel like everything has already been done before, a wooden bow tie is definitely an original, easy and creative way to go. Don’t wear a wooden bow tie unless you want to receive comments and feedback from people.
4. They don’t require much maintenance. A wooden bow tie is a great fashion piece as it does not require much maintenance. Even though that the saying about wooden bow ties is that they are wonderful pieces, but you need to worry about fires and termites, most of these accessories are weathered and treated against termites.
How to wear them
Luckily for us, there is a wooden bow tie for anyone and for any setting. Wooden bow ties come in all shapes and sizes, and to make sure that you make the best of your bow tie, here are some styling guidelines you can follow:

1. Choose the right color. Wooden bow ties can be painted or they can simply have the color of the piece of wood from which they are made. Whatever style you prefer, if you want to be noticed, we recommend wearing a bow tie that contrasts with your shirt (a light bow tie on a dark shirt or a dark bow tie on a light shirt). This way, it will be noticed in an instant and it will pop out immediately. On the other hand, if you want to go for a more subtle look and let people discover that you are wearing a wooden bow tie, opt for a piece that is more similar in color to your shirt, as the low contrast will make it less obvious that you are wearing wood.

with a dark brown shirt or with a shirt that features a soft print.
Some wooden bow ties also feature a small fabric part, which we definitely feel could serve as the third color in your outfit, which is the color that appears the least and compliments the other colors you are wearing. Make sure that that color, or the main color of a potential pattern appears at least one more time in your outfit.

2. Choose the right size. The rule of thumb when it comes to accessories is that they should always be proportionate to your body size. Bigger men should opt for larger accessories, while smaller men should wear smaller ones. Wearing accessories that contrast with your body size will only make you look disproportioned and as if are wearing someone else’s clothes.
3. Discover the right shape! For a great look, you should always make sure that the lines of the bow tie contrast your natural features for a more balanced look. If you have a rounder face, go for something with pointy angles; on the other hand, if you have a face with pointy features, go for a fuller, rounder design.
4. Find the right style for your outfit. There are several types of wooden bow ties out there. While most brands that produce wooden bow ties offer only simple bow ties, you can also find doubles. A double bow tie is a bow tie that features two layers of wood, usually made from contrasting shapes and different woods. In fact, the only brand that creates double wooden bow ties is SwitchWood, which masters the craftsmanship of creating a layered wooden bow tie and still make it comfortable and stylish.

If you are wearing several pieces, such as a shirt, a vest and a blazer, you should probably stick to a “single”-style bow tie, but if you are only wearing a shirt, a double bow tie is a great way to add dimension to your outfit.
Additional information
Because wooden bow ties are such outstanding pieces, when you are wearing one, you should always make sure that all of your other clothes and accessories are in line with it. A wooden bow tie will not make a bad outfit good. If your outfit is bad, if your clothes don’t fit and if your other accessories are not chosen right, the wooden bow tie will look like a piece that is really out of place.
Following these guidelines will help you make the best of your wooden bow tie, which, if manufactured correctly, is a piece that will last a long time and work with a wide variety of outfits.
If you are going to a picnic, to attend a show or simply out and about, a wooden bow tie is the perfect accessory that will make you stand out of the crowd and put you right into the spotlight.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. What do you think of wooden bow ties? Did you ever wear one? How do you wear them? Share your thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!
9 replies on “Wearing Wooden Bow Ties: A Guide (B)”
Seriously I thought I’d seen almost every type of men’s fashion accessory. This is brilliant. I must have one.
Glad to hear we introduced you to wooden bow ties! You should definitely get one!
These bow ties are great, i want one too!
You should get one, as you can see, we are big fans of wooden bow ties as well!
I love the double wall street, great piece!
We definitely agree, it is a great piece!
Since last year i’ve ‘discovered’ the bow ties and since i liked them i bought some (fabric, not wooden). Now i am looking at wooden bow ties and i can tell i like them too so i would like to buy some of them too in order to expand my collection.
But what i would like to know is where it would be ok to wear a bow tie and not see the others looking at you in weird way.
I am not talking about formal circumstances but for casual purposes.
The same casual occasions would apply for both for fabric and wooden bow ties i guess,right?
So could you suggest some (lot) occasions where you could wear a bow tie?
For example if going to cinema to watch a movie, i guess it would be overkill/overdress.. or a hipster style which i dislike. I want to wear one just because i like them.
So i would like you to tell me some ideas. 🙂
Dear Nick,
Thank you for the question!
The settings in which you can wear a wooden bow tie or a casual fabric bow tie are mostly defined by your lifestyle. Before offering you some ideas, we need to say that you may wear a wooden bow tie in a dressy setting too, but not in a very formal one (a ball, etc.)
Here are some ideas of settings in which you can wear a casual bow tie:
Presenting a paper in front of your class in college
Going to a morning concert
Going to a morning play
Having lunch with potential collaborators – especially if you work in a creative industry
Wedding (especially if during the day)
Presenting a project (for example at a fair)
A job interview (in a very relaxed environment; for example bartending or gaming)
A dinner party
A Bar / Bat Mitzvah
A baptism
A dinner
These wooden bow ties are very stylish and it’s a trending style.