Your attitude is a very important of your everyday life. Having a good, positive outlook over the world and a strong attitude can make you not only do everything better and be a better person, but it can also land you success in all areas of life. However, sometimes even the best of us need a little attitude booster. Here are three easy-to-do things that can help you improve your attitude when you are in need of a little empowerment.
Listen to music
People have created and sung music since we can remember. Music is such a strong part of life, that to most people it comes natural and it feel like a basic need. Music helps us distress and release tension. Just think about it: so many people sing under the shower to relax: this way, they combine two things that make them feel better.
The problem with listening to music, however, is that in the case of many people, they cannot listen to music whenever they want. For example, if you are working, even if you have the physical possibility to listen to music, music can be distracting, and needs to be turned off. And this can turn out to be quite frustrating; especially for those who work very long hours and thus don’t get any time to listen to music.
The secret to being able to listen to music while you are doing something else is to listen to movie soundtracks – the songs without lyrics, of course. Soundtracks for films are made to be able to be listened to while you are actually concentrated on something else. This makes sense if you think about it: when you are watching a movie, the music serves just as a background; you are supposed to concentrate on the action of the movie and on the dialogue.
Dress up
This might sound strange and to some even irrelevant and stupid, but when you don’t feel so great about yourself, a very easy way to turn things around is to dress up sharply, even if you don’t have anywhere to go. If you do, even better.
Designer Tom Ford shared in a T.V. documentary that when he wants to make himself feel better, he puts on a suit that fits him very well and that immediately makes him feel a little more positive about himself and the world.
And there’s a lot of truth in that – seeing yourself in a good light will make you instantly feel better about yourself. People are very visual beings and men are known to be actually more visual than women.
Another man who can attest to the fact that the way you look is strongly connected with the way you feel is Tim Gunn. The style expert explained in an interview once that he actually wears shapewear for men, even though he doesn’t necessarily need it, because it makes him feel more put together and supported and this gives him confidence.
Stop beating yourself up
One of things we tend to do when we are down is to beat ourselves up even more. Thinking in terms of problems and putting a negative spin on things will only create a way down – it rarely does create a way up. Author Michal A. Mitchell said in his book “200 Best Attitude Boosters – Train Yourself to Think Positively” that “if you want to grow a flower you water it, you don’t criticize it.” And that’s exactly what you should do with yourself.

Think of yourself as a modern superhero: superheroes seem to almost always plan their next positive move rather than feeling beat up and going home. We know that this is hard sometimes, but you should at least give it a try. You owe it to yourself and out of respect for your life. You don’t need to always be able to make a paradise from a hell, but you should always keep your head above water.
All in all, to have a better attitude you should be as positive as you can: think positive, act positive, listen positive. Sometimes, your attitude can change in an instant, sometimes it cannot, but this doesn’t mean that you need to quit being a positive person.
And there you have it! These three easy things can help you improve your outlook on the world and will make you feel more confident in an instant!
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
7 norning rituals that will improve tour kooks and attitude
15 great quotes about attitude
What we can learn from Superheroes: The style and the attitude
P.S. What do you do to have a better outlook of the world and a better attitude? Moreover, speaking of soundtracks, do you have a favorite movie soundtrack? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!
10 replies on “3 Ways to Instantly Have a Better Attitude”
Attitude is everything (or close to everything) in life. Some people are just blessed with a good one, others have to work on it. Thanks for the thoughtful tips! Wearing my new See by Chloe dress today definitely improved mine:)
We are glad to hear your dress improved your attitude, Ann! Keep it stylish!
I also find that looking a great pictures is a nice way of feeling better too…
That definitely can work, kathy, thanks for your input!
The film ST tip is great – will try!
We’re glad to hear that, Jorge!
Looking at pics of Sam Milby also does quite the job!
Whatever does it :P!
The first two are easier to do than the thrid one
True, but practice makes perfect, so always keep working!