The short answer is yes. Set to premiere in July of next year, Quentin Tarantino’s ninth film is called Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The film is set in 1969, which the director himself describes as “the height of hippy Hollywood.” Given this, it will be without doubt a massive throwback to Hollywood fashion in the late sixties. And considering the confirmation that both Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt will be starring in the new film, the world is bound to see several sixties-era outfits – as modeled by two of the most iconic and famously fashionable actors in Hollywood. In short, get ready for another sixties fashion renaissance. Hippie fashions of the sixties and seventies and generally vintage clothes have been in style for quite a while on the runways of the world, so this movie seems to be coming just at the right moment.
Movies and TV have a long history of resurrecting trends of the fashion world, especially of the 19th and 20th century. Back in the mid-2000s, Mad Men was the show that rekindled America’s love affair with clothing and hair styles from the sixties – particularly via Don Draper and Pete Campbell’s alpha male swagger, Trudy Vogel’s charming suburban housewife aesthetic, and Peggy Olson’s working class woman duds. Before that, it was the Austin Powers movies that were responsible for effortlessly bringing back sixties-era styles, even if they did it in a comedic, over the top way.
Although Tarantino himself is not a style icon, many of his previous films have influenced the big bad world of fashion as well. Largely inspired by the Spaghetti Western genre, Tarantino is doubtless aware of how his on-screen bloodbaths have always featured extremely well-dressed characters. The Hateful Eight was basically a violent lookbook set of the post-Civil War era in America. The Kill Bill series had Uma Thurman singlehandedly bringing back Bruce Lee’s yellow jumpsuit. Django Unchained featured the iconic Jamie Foxx in several (sometimes ridiculous) outfits inspired by the Wild West, and also featured Leonardo DiCaprio in debonair attire.
DiCaprio himself has, over the years, become a fashion icon in his own right. We are no strangers to how DiCaprio turns heads every year at the red carpet events he attends. In fact, his timeless appeal has been used by many directors in the past to create some of the most iconic and fashionable characters in film history.
Whether it’s Django Unchained, The Great Gatsby, or even The Wolf of Wall Street, the man’s influence and swagger significantly contributes to each film’s global influence and appeal, which manifests in several, sometimes strange ways. Today, there are still Great Gatsby-themed parties being held in different parts of the world and many people hold the DiCaprio movie as their main visual reference for the story. But perhaps nowhere is DiCaprio more impactful than in the ’90s blockbuster Titanic. Never has being a penniless artist looked so good than when DiCaprio donned suspenders and working class clothing in that movie. And despite being released more than two decades ago, the film’s overarching influence somehow continues to reverberate in modern media. The Titanic game on Foxy Casino is a stark example of how even today the film continues to make a significant impact on pop culture. The game features DiCaprio front and center with fellow lead Kate Winslet, an image that has since become iconic since the release of the wildly successful film. The film’s influence on modern media shouldn’t be a surprise, especially since the movie remains secure in its place as one of the highest grossing films of all time. Meanwhile, in Django Unchained, DiCaprio stepped into the much darker but still hyper-charismatic role of a southern slave owner. He made a lasting impression when he improvised acting through an actual onscreen injury, all while wearing the crème de la crème of American fashion. That scene has been repeatedly hailed by critics as one of the greatest moments in modern cinema.
In short, the man is a global cultural force. And in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, we’ll see him again working with the superior visual storytelling of Quentin Tarantino. Combined with the sheer star power of Brad Pitt, who himself is no stranger to being both a fashion and film icon, this new narrative is bound to look good at the very least. Just as Pitt made kitsch look fashionable in Fight Club, and how DiCaprio somehow took Jack’s broke artist look and turned it into working class debonair, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood may lead to retro fashion trends in the coming years.
In short, it’s time to get ready to look like you’re from the sixties. Start rummaging through your favorite neighborhood thrift shops. In this ninth film by Quentin Tarantino, two of the most fashionable film icons are about to bring the sixties back.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
Mainstream fashion in the 1960s
What is the difference between vintage and second hand?
The guide to vintage clothes and accessories: How to buy vintage
The guide to vintage clothes. Part 2: Why should you buy vintage?
P.S. We want to hear from you! Are you looking forward to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? Which Tarantino movie is your favorite? Why? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!