Men in their 30s are expected to dress better than they did in their 20s. And that’s something to be understood, since in your 30s you are more experienced and mature than you were before. Expectations regarding your appearance rise along with age, income, experience and seniority at work. However, dressing your age in your thirties can be a challenge, especially when there aren’t too many clothing options that cater specifically to this demographic. Before you go and revamp your wardrobe, here is a look at 4 common fashion mistakes men make in their thirties that you don’t want to make yourself. This way, you can budge some pitfalls you’ll find along the way. We’ll explain exactly why these are mistakes and give you a few tips on what to do instead.
Wearing grungy shoes
Tennis shoes and sneakers are for your morning jog or your evening at the gym; they are rarely suitable for work anymore. Also, cheap sneakers detract from your polo shirt and khakis, and they make you look unprofessional. This problem is compounded if they’re dirty or worn.

One solution could be to wear brogues or casual loafers. Another option is to wear upscale sneakers that are obviously far better than your running shoes. Swap your gym shoes for designer sneakers. Givenchy, for instance, have a great selection of sneakers that can fit all sorts of styles, whether you’re trying to nail the streetwear chic look, or you want to pair them with a nice pair of tapered chinos, a white buttoned shirt, and a solid colored blazer.
If you aren’t sure where to look, you can find Givenchy sneakers through luxury online retailers like SSENSE. They have a wide variety of sneakers which range from urban street sneakers to jaw sneakers. Brown and black jaw sneakers resemble work boots but are much more comfortable. Black and light sneakers may pass for loafers in some situations. Branded luxury sneakers won’t be mistaken for the same shoes you play in, either. And you want a clear distinction between your work attire and what you wear elsewhere.
Wearing the same shirts everywhere
A man in his thirties should save his t-shirts for the weekend. This doesn’t mean you can’t wear a t-shirt. It means you need to wear a clean, elegant t-shirt if you wear one at all.
On the flipside, you don’t have to have a lot of variety in your wardrobe. You can have several black or blue cotton shirts that all look the same. Just rotate through them so that they don’t look worn out. Invest in quality clothes that won’t wear out quickly, and don’t wear items with stains or rips. However, you shouldn’t wear a sweatshirt and hoodies to work, period. Graphic t-shirts may become less and less suited as well.
Making mistakes with suits
A man in his thirties should have at least one good suit. However, you can do more if you have a mix of pressed pants, jackets, dress shirts and ties. Focus on buying quality suits that fit you. Have them tailored or fitted if necessary, because ill-fitting high-class clothing comes off wrong. Consider having a black, navy and blue suit so that you have a variety of choices. You could mix and match fabric weights – then you’re covered in both warm and cool months. Note that you can wear sweaters under a sports coat to keep warm. If you live in a colder area, consider owning at least one good wool overcoat that complements all of your suits.
If you’re not that much into suits, you should at least consider adding blazers to your rotation. Blazers are quintessential to 30’s style, and look both elegant and comfortable. The fabric, pattern, and color of the blazer will also make a huge difference.
If you want to build your collection, go for a soft colored corduroy blazer, a navy one, and one made of woolen tweed, and don’t be afraid to play with original patterns and bright colors.
Not paying attention to detail
Don’t make the mistake of ignoring the little details. For example, you can ruin the look if you wear a bad watch or tennis shoes with an expensive suit. You’ll come off as lazy or inexperienced if you don’t match patterns in your suit, shirt and tie.
Choose matching cufflinks and belts. Don’t wear a hat that conflicts with the rest of the outfit unless you take it off when you arrive at work. On the other hand, you want to wear little accessories like watches, belts and cufflinks that demonstrate understated class, not bright and garish. Think tweed patterns in a suit instead of pinstripes.
Your wardrobe should shift as you get older, and reflect your growing sense of identity. If you want to have a positive attitude, it’s important to look sharp and sophisticated even when you’re wearing business casual outfits.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
10 Things to Pay Attention to in Your 20s
P.S. We want to hear from you! How did you style change over time? What fashion lessons did you adopt in your 30s? Why? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!