Camouflage clothing is one of men’s greatest ironies when it comes to fashion. It is designed to help the army hide in hostile territories, however, in everyday life, it is extremely obvious. This leaves a man with a target (a very visible one despite the “invisible” pattern) on his back for mockery or admiration.
However, when done right, military clothes can be stylish and will make people admire you rather than satire you.
Camouflage jacket

The camo jacket is the most popular choice for those who wear camo or are looking to wear camo. It is foolproof. A good jacket will look great with almost anything else in your wardrobe. Briefly, you don’t necessarily want to wear camo with something very formal or with a business suit. A camouflage parka can sit well over a casual outfit and a bomber will look the part over a t-shirt and jeans for a casual look. These days, many designers incorporate camouflage prints in their collections, so it’s definitely worth taking a look for inspiration.
Camo t-shirt
The tee is the easiest way to get along with wearing the “invisible” pattern. It is hard to mess up and can be easily added to your wardrobe. One thing to avoid: Logos or additional designs. Camo adds enough punch as it is and does not need extra logos and branding. Surely, sometimes it can be mixed and matched, but generally, it’s useful to steer away from weird combos. Unless, of course, you’re completely sure of what you are doing.
When it comes to cut, you can settle for two options: The tight fit with sleeves slightly rolled up, or the oversized street-look. Once you have made the appropriate choice, combine with only black or white and you have a good outfit.
Camouflage trousers
While they were all the rage throughout the 90’s, the camo trousers have died down since and found themselves rarely making an appearance outside of a regulated uniform. However, cargo pants are still a great pair of trousers to have because of their practicality and durability. Trousers are not as straight forward as a jacket or t-shirt, so stay with dark patterns and combine with all white or black sneakers while wearing a plain white or grey tee to finish the look.
Camouflage accessories
There are items for those who are against going full-fledge camo but would like to add some of the trending pattern to their life. There is something for everyone here, from tote bags or backpacks, to hats and fanny-packs. Wear them to add some color and style to an all-black street look or combine with a suit for some individuality in the workplace. Camouflage always brings with it its tough, military vibe – that’s something you should remember when putting on a camo accessory.
Camouflage shorts
Every man has worn camo shorts at one stage of their life, but it is a hard look to pull off. There is a constant fear you don’t end up looking like the drunk guy who lost all his friends at a festival. But, inevitably, you do.
The key to successfully pulling off a camo shorts look is the amount of detail on the shorts. If you have the whole army look with zippers, hundreds of pockets, and drawstring hems, you have probably gone too far. You can include one of the above, as an homage to their origins, but it is best to keep them simple. A tailored pair of shorts, that allow the design to do the talking, with penny-loafers and a white t-shirt is a safer look.
Camouflage, including those colorful versions, is usually suited for casual and sporty looks, so next time you are out for a run or hitting the gym, you may think of putting on a bit of green.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
The Guide to Wearing Camouflage
P.S. We want to hear from you! What do think of camouflage print? How much is too much? What type of clothes or accessories featuring camo do you like to wear? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!