Recently, a new trend has been making headlines around the world. If you have not heard the term “cottagecore” already, you most likely will in the coming seasons. Cottagecore is basically a niche aesthetic that places a great accent on country living and farm visuals. In a way, it glamorizes the idea of simple living (basically living in the countryside without the work of the countryside). The trend has exploded recently, and now lots of people around the world – especially youngsters are having a blast with it. Many celebrities also support cottagecore, a recent example being David Beckham.

Cottagecore outfits usually consist of clothes that are made to look very inexact, they are often, but not always, made from thick fabrics and involve lots of knits, embroidery and other tactile elements.
The trend does not really come as a surprise. We’ve been writing on for a few years now that in the near future, chunky, folky textiles will be trending and in our trend forecast for 2021, we included as the main elements of the year ideas such as chunky knits, botanics and getting close to the earth.
Cottagecore is now coming as a wave that seems to be really hitting hard for several reasons. One reason is the old reason, which is the massive digitization of the world, which makes people want to desperately compensate with fabrics and textures that are highly tactile and different from the smoothness of the most popular surfaces today: screens. Moreover, some people are getting tired of all the “perfection” of digitally-created things, which makes “imperfect”, asymmetric arts and crafts a growing trend. Secondly, the new reason why cottagecore is becoming an increasing presence not just on TikTok, Insta and YouTube, but IRL as well is because people are feeling more and more uncomfortable in daily life. With the current corona crisis, people are trying to flee cities and move towards farms and countryside villages, and, those who can’t do it physically, will do it at least sartorially. Fashion often acts as an escaping mechanism and cottagecore is definitely such a thing. Surely, soon, we will see lots of people trade their urban lives for country living. People want to feel less constrained and feel that big cities are highly dangerous.

In the F&F trend report for 2025-30, which was titled “Pain or Wonder”, we included many keywords such as: ultranatural, small communities, nature-based architecture, small communes, weaving, old craft, natural fabrics and more. The opening picture within the report was a picture we took of two images, one representing people in a car and the other of a 1400s farmer, the two being connected by a dry flower. In a way, it can be said it is all coming together.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
Trend Forecast: Fashion Weeks of 2019 (Trends for 2020)
Trend Forecast: Fashion Weeks of 2020 (Trends for 2021-22)
P.S. We want to hear from you! How do you stand vis-à-vis the cottagecore trend? What other aesthetics do you think are currently trending? Why? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!