Grooming Hair

5 Expert Hair Care Tips for Men

One thing all humans can agree on, regardless of age or gender, is that everyone wants to have great hair. However, achieving it isn’t always easy. When good hair days seem to happen rarely, some of you might settle for just okay. But for men, that’s not the case. For them, the goal is to spend a short time in the bathroom as much as possible. This may be one of the reasons why short hair is the classic male cut. The less hair you have, the less maintenance you’ll need to do. But regardless of how long or short your hair is, regular hair care is still important.


There’s no question that for men, hair is a vital part of their overall look. Like women, they also consider their hair’s length or style, when to cut it, and what products they should use. Thus, understandably, it could be overwhelming for them. But with the right hair care tips from experts, it may help you to get started on the right track in achieving great and healthy hair.

Aside from the hair care tips you could get from your hair specialist, here are a few additional hints about hair care for men.



Dry your hair the proper way

Perhaps you’re like most men who step out of the shower and dry your hair by vigorously rubbing it with a towel. Unfortunately, that method could only cause more damage and breakage to your hair.


When your hair is wet, it could become more susceptible to damage. Rubbing your wet hair with a towel could cause most of your hair strands to tangle and get caught in the towel’s threads, stretching them to their breaking point. As a result, your hair could end up becoming frizzy, with split ends and having damaged outer layers.

Instead of harshly rubbing your hair with a towel, consider patting it dry while gently stroking it with the towel towards the direction where it grows. If you’re running short of time, you may opt to blow-dry your hair, which is fine but not always advisable. Perhaps the best and safest way to dry your hair is through the air-dry method.



Wear hats sparingly

It’s common for men to wear hats every time they go outdoors. Hats may seem so innocent, with their purpose of protecting your head from the heat. But wearing hats too often could be bad for your hair too. Hats that are worn too tight are known to cause hair damage and hair loss because they tend to pull the hair too hard from the roots. Thus, it’s advisable to wear looser hats.



Avoid using too many hair products

If you love styling your hair in different ways, you may be forced to use certain hairstyle products to keep them in place for the rest of the day. There’s a variety of products you could use to achieve that style you want, like hair waxes, hair gels, or hairsprays.

But it’s vital to be mindful of the amount of products you’re applying. Using too much could make your hair look heavy and unnatural and could potentially cause your hair to dry and frizz in the long run. Thus, consider pouring yourself with only the right amount of hair products instead of putting excessive amounts on your head.



Don’t shampoo every day

Shampooing your hair every day whenever you shower may not be the best practice. If you’ve noticed, your scalp releases its natural oil, which is meant to nourish your hair, keep it healthy and shiny, and protect it from any outdoor elements. Shampooing your hair every day could strip this oil out, resulting in the hair looking brittle, lifeless, and weak.

For this reason, it may be best to wash your hair with shampoo at least twice or thrice a week or depending on the type of hair you have. You could opt for a volumizing and strengthening shampoo, which is said to give better results. And remember, it’s best if your hair still has a bit of oil even after washing it. A slightly oily hair could signify your hair’s natural oil is still intact, and you haven’t totally stripped your hair away into dryness.

Man haircut


Regularly visit your barber

Do you keep on delaying your trips to the barber? If yes, you may not be fully taking care of your hair. Grooming is a priority when it comes to essential hair care tips for men, and that includes regular visits to your barber. Visiting your barber at least once or twice a month could help you keep up with your hairstyle. Aside from that, the barber could also trim off those split ends and weak, dry, and damaged strands to keep your hair looking healthy and robust.



Wrap up

If you’re careless and harsh with your hair, you’re only doing yourself a major disservice. Your hair would not only be unappealing and unhealthy, but it could also affect your self-confidence. So for the men out there, it’s recommended to keep these tips in mind and include them in your daily hair care routine. All your efforts would be recognized as your hair would definitely return the favor.


Fraquoh and Franchomme






Further reading:

45 Facts about Hair

How to Take Care of Ingrown Hairs

6 Great Hairstyles for Young Men in College

The Myths and Real Causes of Hair Loss in Men

How to Maintain Your Bleached Hair in the Summer

P.S. We want to hear from you! How do you maintain your hair? What styling products do you use? How often do you get your hair cut? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram!



2 replies on “5 Expert Hair Care Tips for Men”

Very helpful,regardless of Gender. I would also like to suggest using this shampoo and conditioner from Natural Infusion. It really gives amazing results.

These hair care tips are spot on! I love the emphasis on not over-washing and how it helps maintain your hair’s natural oils. The advice on choosing the right products based on hair type is super useful too. Definitely going to try incorporating these habits into my routine for healthier hair! Visit :

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