Grooming Hair

4 Mistakes to Avoid While Taking Care of Your Colored Hair

From protecting your hair from environmental factors to transforming your look – there are plenty of benefits to getting your hair colored. However, you need to take extra care of your hair if you want to keep it healthy and retain the color for a longer period of time. While you can search the internet for “good quality shampoo and conditioner for my colored hair,” here are some common mistakes that you need to avoid at all costs.

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1. Using Generic Shampoo and Conditioner

You need to wash your colored hair properly to prevent it from drying out and losing its shine. If you use a regular shampoo and conditioner, your hair may not receive the nourishment it needs. Always choose a color-protecting shampoo for colored hair. These specialized shampoos help you keep the color full and bright for a longer period. You should also use a good-quality conditioner that deeply nourishes your hair and strengthens it.

2. Washing the Hair Too Much

If you have recently colored your hair, washing your hair too much can cause the color to drain more quickly. Even if you are using the right products, the more you wash your hair, the quicker the color will fade away. While you can spend a day or two without washing your hair, you may use dry shampoo to keep your hair healthy and clean while avoiding the risk of draining the color too much.

3. Using Hair Oil Incorrectly

One of the most common mistakes people make when taking care of colored hair is using hair oil incorrectly. It does not matter whether you are using the oily product before or after applying shampoo. As soon as you add the product to the hair mask, it will drain the color way too quickly. If you want to use a specific hair oil to repair the hair tips, you should apply it to damp hair after washing and leave it like that.

4. Exposing Colored Hair to Heat

When you color your hair, it undergoes a considerable amount of stress. Further stresses, such as hair straighteners, irons, and dryers, without the right protection, can do more damage than good. Always apply a thermal protector to your colored hair before drying and styling it. This way, you can treat your hair positively.

Maintain the Color and Shine for a Long Period

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Hair dyes usually last about six to eight weeks. However, if you fail to take good care of your colored hair, it can lighten, darken, or change the tone much faster. Now that you are aware of the common mistakes try to avoid them as much as possible. Also, invest in quality products if you want your hair to look shiny and healthy.


Fraquoh and Franchomme






P.S. We want to hear from you! Do you color you hair? How do you maintain it? What products do you use? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram!



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