
Overwatch 2, Best Damage Abilities, Ranked

In the paced world of Overwatch 2, the effectiveness of a OW 2 hero’s damage-dealing abilities is crucial for achieving victory. With a range of 18 damage Overwatch 2 heroes, each equipped with Overwatch 2 skills, pinpointing the most impactful abilities presents a considerable challenge. Let’s explore some of the damage-dealing powers in Overwatch 2. We take into account factors like damage output, utility, and their overall influence on the battlefield.

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Overwatch 2


Sticky Nade (Junkrat)

Although not the most appealing ability, Overwatch 2 Junkrat’s Sticky Nade certainly delivers a powerful blow. This explosive device attaches to foes causing damage and leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Beyond its effects, this grenade can also be strategically employed to trap foes in positions flush them out from hiding spots, or even provide healing for Junkrat through his Rip Tire ultimate ability. The adaptability and effectiveness of Sticky Nade truly make it stand out.


Pulse Rifle (Soldier: 76)

Overwatch 2 Soldier: 76 earns recognition for his versatile skill set with the Pulse Rifle standing out as a component. This fully automatic Overwatch 2 weapon offers exceptional accuracy and range, letting Overwatch 2 Soldier deal sustained damage at a safe distance. The rifle’s fire can be used to pressure shields, melt Overwatch 2 tanks, or finish off low-health enemies. The simplicity of the Pulse Rifle allows players of all skill levels to find value, making it a strong contender.


Helix Rockets (Pharah)

Soaring through the skies, Pharahs Helix Rockets offer a method of inflicting damage. These Overwatch 2 rockets cause splash damage at range, making them ideal for clearing out clusters of foes or punishing those taking cover. Furthermore, these rockets provide Pharah with added mobility by aiding her movement around obstacles or granting her an elevation Overwatch 2 boost. Mastering Helix Rockets is key to maximizing Pharah’s potential.


Biotic Grenade (Ana – played in DPS role)

While traditionally a Overwatch 2 support hero, Ana can be a surprisingly effective damage dealer in the right hands. Her Biotic Grenade offers a unique twist on damage abilities. The grenade deals direct damage and heals Ana for the same amount inflicted. This allows skilled Overwatch 2 Ana players to aggressively push flanks, harassing enemies while sustaining themselves. The grenade’s additional effect of anti-healing can further cripple enemy sustain, making it a valuable tool for taking down Overwatch 2 tanks.


Adaptive Recall (Echo)

The newest addition to the roster, Overwatch 2 Echo boasts a fascinating kit. Her Adaptive Recall allows her to essentially rewind time, duplicating the abilities used by enemies within the last few seconds. This ability’s potential is vast. Echo can copy devastating ultimates, powerful movement abilities, or even defensive tools to outplay her Overwatch 2 opponents. Adaptive Recall’s high skill ceiling makes it a rewarding ability to master.

By grasping the strengths and weaknesses of damage abilities, you can elevate your gameplay in Overwatch 2. You can then become a more versatile and impactful player.

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Overwatch 2


Fraquoh and Franchomme






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