For the Ladies

How to Navigate Bridal Shops: A Guide to Finding the Perfect Gown

After the big proposal, finding the perfect gown is one of the great joys of wedding preparations. As you begin your brainstorming, you will also need to prepare yourself for the bridal shop process. Follow the tips below to help you navigate bridal shops to find the perfect gown.

Wedding Bride And Groom


Do Lots of Research

Before ever stepping foot in a bridal shop, do some research on the popular shops in your area to decide which ones align with your style and needs. For example, if you have specific ideas for your wedding gown that not all bridal shops can accommodate, then it is important to message shops on their websites or read reviews to see which shops will work with you. This also applies to brides-to-be who need a specific size or want a non-traditional wedding gown. 

You can also do research on popular websites like Pinterest where you can create a board with inspirational images that you can show to your consultant in the bridal shop that you choose. This will help the process go more smoothly and will help the consultant prepare a handful of gowns ahead of your appointment that match your aesthetic. 

Set a Budget and Stick to It

Wedding Dress

When you arrive for your bridal shop appointment, you should already have a set budget in mind and you should alert your consultant of this budget from the get-go. This will avoid you trying on a dress that you fall in love with only to be devastated because it is way out of your price range. If you are worried about finding a dress within your budget, places such as this bridal shop in Utah offer gowns in all price ranges and can hook you up with a gown that you will love and that does not break the bank. It is important to remember that weddings are expensive, so if you spend too much on the gown you will have to compromise in other areas for the big day. 

Make Appointments for a Few Bridal Shops

After you have done some research, it is important to pick out at least a couple of different bridal shops to make initial consultations in. This way you can get a feel for your options and decide which shop best suits your style. After you have been to a few bridal shops and had meetings with different consultants, it is time to pick your favorite where you can have your official appointment. 

Show Up Prepared for Your Appointments

Because you will be doing a lot of outfit changes, there are some things you should prepare for. On the day of the appointment, make sure to wear or bring a strapless bra as well as comfortable and seamless underwear. This will help you to get a better idea of what dresses will look like on your wedding day. If you plan on wearing shapewear at your wedding, it is important to wear that for trying on potential dresses as well. You should also wear minimal or no makeup so that you do not get it on the gowns. As for your hair, you can come to your appointment with a hairstyle similar to what you want for the big day so that you can get an idea of how it looks with the gowns. 

Gather Your Squad

The people you bring with you to the bridal shop should be the people who know you the best in this world, that will help a lot when it comes to the gown decision. The best thing you can do is limit the size of your group to close friends and family members, going no bigger than six or seven people. This means that it should be a calm experience where you are surrounded by people you trust who will give honest and supportive opinions.

Don’t Be Afraid to Communicate

If something feels wrong, don’t hesitate to say it. The gown you choose should be one that you are completely satisfied with. It is also important that even though your group of loved ones is there to help you make your decision, don’t let them or the consultant convince you to pick a dress that you don’t love. The perfect dress is different for every person, so when it feels right, trust that. 

Take Notes and Photos

Bridal shop appointments can be overwhelming and all of the dresses can blur together, so it is helpful to take notes and photos for each dress. To make this easier, enlist one of your friends or family members to be the note taker and another to take photos at all angles so that you have references as you make your decision later on.


By following this guide, you will be an expert in navigating bridal shops and finding the gown of your dreams. 


Fraquoh and Franchomme






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