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Academized Writer Mary Watson on The Influence of Men’s Fashion on Study Habits and Academic Performance

Fashion isn’t just a superficial concern for how people look. It can affect actions and confidence in men’s lives, right down to their performance in school. ‘Many factors may influence the way men perform academically,’ explains Mary Watson, a writer at Academized, ‘but one area that is often overlooked is their style of dress.’ Her comprehensive analysis takes an in-depth look at the hidden connection between how a man dresses, his focus and motivation, and his study habits in school. Academized is a platform that helps students by offering writing services, assisting with assignments, and allowing them to “do my homework” more efficiently.

Men College

How Dressing Well Boosts Confidence and Focus

Mary Watson states that “whatever men wear helps them to feel more confident.” Clothes can really affect the way people see themselves. When men are dressed smartly or feel comfortable with what they’re wearing, they tend to have more confidence. This helps them study more effectively because they can maintain a clearer, more productive mind.

College Guy Shirt

While at university, where performance is often equated with self-confidence, fashion can be more indirect in its effects. ‘Dressing well puts you in the right frame of mind,’ Watson says. ‘You feel more on it, more awake, and that consequently helps you to concentrate. You are less vulnerable to self-conscious distractions, and more likely to stay focused.’

Creating a Productive Study Routine Through Consistent Dressing Habits

College Man Green And Blue

‘Comfortable school clothes can help a student establish a sense of routine and structure,’ Watson explains, ‘and these are essential elements for good study habits.’ By habituating themselves to dress with purpose in the morning, students train themselves to approach their studies with the same logic, discipline and deliberate aim.

She points out that when students dress in a way that they consider more conducive to productivity – that is, anything that’s less indulgent than sweatpants – they’re symbolically preparing themselves for a day of concentrated study. Fashion serves as a reliable signal to the brain that it’s time to work – a signal that primes the body for increased productivity. Watson thinks that this consistency can actually lead to improved academic success as students become more accustomed to a strict work ethic when they dress in the same way every day.

Statistics on How Fashion Influences Performance

She cites several studies to support her claims. ‘Students wearing more formal clothing demonstrated higher levels of abstract thought than did students wearing casual clothing,’ she notes – a form of thinking more directly related to academic achievement.

In one study published in 2019, 64 percent of male participants said they felt more confident and focused during exams when dressed up vs casual, while 59 per cent believed they achieved a higher score due to their outfit.

Watson takes these figures to mean that not only are men’s clothes not inconsequential, they can pattern mental states conducive to educational achievement.


Fashion Choices That Promote Comfort and Focus

Men might want to look good, Watson argues, but they also have to be comfortable. Men should find a balance between style and comfort. She discusses how different types of clothing affect focus and comfort:

Clothing Type Focus Level Comfort Level Recommended for Study?
Formal (suits, blazers) High Moderate Yes
Casual (jeans, t-shirts) Low High No
Smart Casual (polos, chinos) Moderate High Yes
Lounge (sweatpants) Very Low Very High No


According to Watson, smart casual outfits are the best clothing students can wear while studying for long periods of time, because they’re neither too dressy nor too casual. The intended effect is that such outfits allow students to find the perfect balance between comfort and formality. It’s important for studying students to wear clothing that helps them feel comfortable but not too relaxed, because otherwise they might lose focus and motivation. Many students who rely on pay for homework websites might also find that dressing in a focused way boosts their productivity while they study independently.

The Psychological Impact of Color on Learning

Further delving into the psychology of colour in men’s fashion, Mary Watson notes that wearing certain colours can induce a variety of moods and mental states: By wearing colour, you can stimulate your mind and emotions. So why not use it at university? Wearing blue or green is relaxing and focuses one’s energy, which is ideal for study sessions! The feeling of relaxation and concentration is what blue and green evoke.

Conversely, brighter colours such as red can boost energy, but they can also hike anxiety, so Watson advises students to pick their colours carefully, depending on the type of study session. For example, lighter tones might be good to use for day-to-day study, while darker, more serious colours might be better for exams or presentations.

Men’s Fashion and Time Management

And there’s a trickle-down effect. This, according to Watson, is why guys’ style can be a predictor of how men manage their time. ‘Decisions about what to wear in the morning can have knock-on effects on other aspects of their lives.’ By deciding the night before how he’ll dress for the day ahead, Watson explained, the student avoids wasting the crucial mental energy that would otherwise be taken up by late-breaking decisions about whether to wear his navy chinos with the grey shirt or the light blue one. ‘If they’ve already made that decision, then they don’t have to recreate it again in the morning.’ This leaves more energy to spend on weighing how many glasses of wine they can have before their notes start to blur; how many minutes they can put off getting up for their alarm; and whether to take the long route to uni in the hope that it might turn into sunshine, thus delaying the dreaded moment when the jumper has to come off.

The small habit can open floodgates to improved time-management throughout the day. ‘If they make dressing a daily event that has to get done, the students are going to learn to be punctual, organised and disciplined,’ Watson says. ‘This has a snowball effect on improving academic achievement.

Building Positive Study Habits Through Fashion

Finally, Watson described how men’s dress can have a role in developing enduring habits. In the same way that certain items of clothing can make you feel like you are wearing sportswear even if your garments are not actually athletic, wearing clothes that seem more purposeful about studying makes sitting down to study feel more like ‘this is something I do when I really need to work’. If students feel as though they are dressing ‘seriously’, they will be more likely to see a task as a serious one.

It is this kind of mindset shift that, says Watson, helps to form good academic habits: ‘Women [who dress for success] look more and more like men who dress for success and, similarly, if you dress for success at study, it is more likely that you will start to treat study with a greater level of seriousness which will then translate into improved performance over time.’


Her observations raise awareness of how academic success and men’s style correlate to each other, through the vessel of men’s fashion; boosting confidence, for example, which brings focus and even aids time-management. Young men, and even older students, who dress well and consistently, who dress comfortably without sacrificing style and who consider the psychological impact of colours, are in a better position to maximise their academic advantage.


Fashion is not just a mere choice made by men: it’s a mechanism, a device, which can affect men’s selection process of their future education, can hinder and affect their performance.


Fraquoh and Franchomme






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