Basic Style Guides Sportswear Suits Underwear

The 5 Categories of Clothes You Should Have in Your Wardrobe (B)

The modern man needs to have a wardrobe suited for a gentleman. Your wardrobe should be organized, versatile and accessible. There are five main categories of clothes that should be present in each man’s wardrobe. In this guide, we take a look at these categories and break down some essential sartorial rules to follow for […]

Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice Sportswear

Tips on Choosing Golf Clothes (B)

Golf is not a sport that challenges one to run, jump or perform other similar moves, so naturally golfing attire is more flexible and can be a lot more stylish than say, rugby uniforms. However, when choosing golf clothes, you should not disregard the practical aspect of the pieces. Following a few guidelines will definitely […]

Basic Style Guides Metafashion Sportswear

The Guide To Men’s Ski Wear (B)

It’s been a while since wooden skis were in style, and, as you upgraded your skis, you need to upgrade your look on the slopes as well. While some things never change, others did evolve and this is why we want to have a look at what you should be wearing when you hit the […]

Basic Style Guides Corporate Fashion Fashion Advice Sportswear

What To Wear When Going Golfing

Fashion Advice Sportswear

Tartan On and Off the Green

It’s summer and there’s no better season than summer to do and talk about sports. We encourage everyone to practice sports, whether it’s something very active such as rugby or football, or more relaxed such as golfing or running. Anyway you put it, sports are healthy, useful and fun. But, as you know, feeling well […]