Attire Club World Culture

Quotes In Images by Attire Club

Hello In the history of style, some people said something so well that we feel we need to repeat it over and over again. Classic quotes from remarkable people these are. We enjoy them very much and we know that you enjoy them too! This is why we have put together some fashion quotes posters […]

Fashion Editorials Fashion History

Criticism And Attacks On Fashion

Over the course of history, fashion has been the subject of a lot of criticism and attacks. Fashion has been the center of intersecting perspectives and different views that have caused diverse scandals across the years. Clothes have been blamed for social disturbances and issues, being considered to promote vanity, loose sexual morality, conspicuous consumption, […]

Fashion History Fashion World

Style Moments in Classic Cinema

One of the reasons we love cinema so much is because it immortalizes the fashion and the style of the time it is created in. In films, it’s always about the latest fashion, the latest trends, the latest technology, but not on the runway! Also, films that take place in a long-gone time showcase both […]