Culture Fashion History

The Ups and Downs of Hat-Wearing

The time between the late 19th century and the end of the 1920s was the peak of hat-wearing in menswear, as it was a time when it was common to see men wearing hats all the time and anywhere. However, this habit has changed over the years and at the beginning of the 21st century, […]

InCompany by Attire Club Magazine

Fashion and Cryptocurrencies

Today, cryptocurrencies are everywhere. With their hyped appeal, they seem to have taken over the hearts and minds of many. But are they really the next big thing?     The fashion industry is a field that always takes pride in being ahead of the game, always with one foot in the next season. Therefore, […]

Culture Opinion And Commentary

No More Made in NZ?

Radio New Zealand has recently published a series of articles on the decline of the textile industry in the country. According to the articles, the increase in manufacturing textiles offshore could lead the creating a business production to vanish in two years. Or, at least this is what Davey Hughes, founder of outdoor apparel brand […]