InCompany by Attire Club Magazine

Outtakes from Last Summer’s InCompany by AC

With every issue of InCompay by Attire Club we bring you great articles, useful information and a look at the fashion world from far and wide as well as the latest in fashion and technology projects and great travel and styling inspiration. For the summer 2018 edition, we did a style guide on the 5 […]

Metafashion Style

10 Things to Pay Attention to in Your 20s

When you are in your 20s, there is a lot of change happening in your life, as you learn more and more about who you are and what you want to be. The 20s are for many people a time of reflection, travel and study. All these things are great, but the free time you […]

Culture Fashion History

The Ups and Downs of Hat-Wearing

The time between the late 19th century and the end of the 1920s was the peak of hat-wearing in menswear, as it was a time when it was common to see men wearing hats all the time and anywhere. However, this habit has changed over the years and at the beginning of the 21st century, […]


Fashion for Less: Achieving Trendy Looks With Small Means

The average American spends $1,833 per year on apparel alone as established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That amounts to roughly a little over $150 to spend on clothes on a monthly basis. This can seem quite a lot for those who don’t often think about how much they spend and have an active desire […]

Fashion Photos Fashion World

Revisiting Amazing Fashion Images of 2018

Stella McCartney was once quoted as saying: “When you think of fashion photography, it’s a dream. It’s like we all want to be those women. We want to wear those dresses.” Moreover, Diana Vreeland is known for explaining that to her, it’s not so much about the clothes, but about the life you lead in the […]

Shopping Style

Does Your Style Pass the Test? 7 Things You Can Improve on Today

Like any sartorially-minded man out there, you probably hope that 2019 will be your most fashion-forward year yet. The good thing is that this dream is highly achievable, and we are here to lend a hand and give you some tips on how you can amp up your style game this year. Before embarking on […]


How to Look Good on a Budget

Tom Ford made a great point when he said that “dressing well is a form of good manners” – by this meaning that a person’s clothes are a reflection of both respect towards others and of self-respect. There’s a lot you can tell about what someone makes of themselves and of others by the way […]


Can Your Casino Fashion Make You a Winner?

There’s an old saying that “manners maketh man” but it can be argued that it’s equally true that what you wear inevitably plays a big part in what you are too. The way you dress not only sends out plenty of little visual cues that help people to make a snap decision about what kind […]

Attire Club Style Portfolio Attire Club World InCompany by Attire Club Magazine

Attire Club Style Portfolio: The Truth about T-Shirts

Everybody loves cool t-shirts! The more interesting and personal a t-shirt is, the better you feel in it, as often, t-shirts act as straight up banners for our interests and passions. If you want to stand out from the crowd, a unique t-shirt is a great way to go. This is why, for our 2018 […]

Opinion And Commentary

Great Apps to Help You Choose the Right Clothes

If you are someone who is interested in clothes and accessories, you’re most likely often on the lookout for new and exciting places where you can explore new fashions both in the material world and in the digital one. Even though strong publications (both digital and in print) are still the first go-to places for […]

Fashion & Technology Fashion World Opinion And Commentary

The Top 3 Uses for Fashiontech

Fashiontech is defined as the friendly collision between the world of clothes making and the world of high tech. The quick expansion of technology in society has also touched the world of garments making and has added many layers to the idea of clothing itself: from adding things like impact sensors on sports pieces to […]

Fashion Editorials InCompany by Attire Club Magazine

Editorial: Blog, Blogger, the Bloggest

This editorial was first published in InCompany by Attire Club, December 2016.   As the world is shifting from one way of being to the other, new ways of connecting with people appear and families or communities at large are built in different ways. One of these ways is through blogs. Just a few years […]