Culture InCompany by Attire Club Magazine Opinion And Commentary

The State of Fashion: A Need for Change

For a few years now, more and more people are talking about the need to reinvent the fashion system, to rethink the way we look at runway shows and to do things differently. Not many propositions on how to change have been made yet though, as people either don’t have an idea of how fashion […]

Culture Opinion And Commentary

The Problem with Art, Beauty & Fashion

On the subjectiveness of art One thing that is almost always brought up in discussion when people debate art is that art is subjective. This is in a way the “let’s agree to disagree” of the art world, meaning that no consensus and thus no real connection between the people who are engaged in the […]

Culture Fashion Editorials Opinion And Commentary

Hopes for Fashion

There are many discussions today about the changes that are going on in the fashion world. The advent of new means of communication and the rapid change in technology we’ve seen over the last 17 years has marked many aspects of culture, including fashion. In this time, fashion blogging has become a very important part […]

Culture Opinion And Commentary

Is There a Crisis in Fashion Blogging?

Concept: fashion blog A few years ago, the concept of “fashion blogger” was a big trend in the online world. Not only because of its numeric value – it was estimated around 2012 that there were more than 2 million fashion blogs worldwide, but also because of the bloggers’ influence on style and culture. There […]

Culture Fashion Editorials Opinion And Commentary

Fashion Forward: Keywords of 2016. Where to Next?

Fashion is all about what is going to happen tomorrow and what will be cool tomorrow. To discover what will be “in” in the near or far future, one can always look back, as “you can’t really have a future without having a past”. We have put together a guide of the main fashion keywords […]