Culture Fashion History Fashion World

Attire Club Mood Board: Haute Couture

What is haute couture and who wears it? Haute Couture refers to the best of the best in fashion. The term haute couture means “high sewing”, “high dressmaking” or “high fashion” in French (“haute” meaning “high” and “couture” meaning “sewing / dressmaking”) and describes a creation that is exclusive and custom-fitted. Usually, it takes between […]

Fashion Editorials Metafashion

Less is More: A Man’s Guide to Minimalist Elegance (B)

Fashion World

What is Haute Couture: 12 Facts

Everyone has heard the term “Haute Couture” a million times in their lifetime, but how many did actually know what it refers to?  There are many people who use the term “Haute Couture” improperly, which is why we want to set it straight today with this article. Here are some things you probably didn’t know […]