Fashion Editorials Fashion World Opinion And Commentary

Men and Feminine Clothes: A Dichotomy?

Fashion and gender: Always connected, always in conflict

Metafashion Opinion And Commentary

Life Lessons: What Makes a True (Gentle)man?

Being a gentleman. What does that mean? Going through the media of today, one can see that this term is used very often and that it is interpreted as a man who acts and is a certain way towards his fellow men, but especially towards women. The whole “a gentleman is a man who opens […]

Fashion Advice

Prom Style: Should You Match your Date? (B)

Prom season is approaching and many guys are faced with one of the first formal parties of their lives. For most 18 or 19 year olds, this might even be the first time they wear a dress suit or a tuxedo, so it can all be quite confusing and overwhelming. Many boys consider that they […]

Fashion World Opinion And Commentary

Women Wearing Men’s Clothes: What Do You Think?

There is a saying according to which, men are from Mars and women are from Venus. What this means has been heavily debated by the media at the end of the last millennium, so it’s needless to explain it. The “war between the sexes” has always been an interesting topic for the people who produce […]