For must of us, December is that time when you are really excited about the changing landscape and the holidays, but when you go outside you remember why you weren’t missing it the whole year: the cold, the moist and… the cold.
For someone who dresses up fashionable, like you, the reader of our blog, winter can be quite a challenge. But we have it figured out and want to share it with you. How to dress in winter?
First of all, you might have thought of this: the key aspect to dressing up for cold temperatures is layering. We often talk about layering. In winter layering is very important. First of all, we don’t have to say that layering means to put on all of your sweaters and shirts on. You need to able to move your arms, of course. So here is the secret: there are three important layers:
1)The base layer
2) the insulating layer
3) the outer protection layer
The base layer is the layer that goes on your skin and should be really comfortable and should be made out of a fabric that doesn’t itch. So, if your first choice itches, put it back. Also, what is important about this layer is that it should be able to breathe, so athletic clothes is a good choice. Also, don’t forget to wear socks that are warm and fuzzy.
The insulating layer is basically the layer that you will see when you are indoors. It can be a sweater, a shirt and a vest or anything of that kind. Wool (including cashmere and angora) are the fabrics we recommend for this layer. Your pants can also be made out of fleece, but make sure it is in good quality.
The protective layer is basically the jacket you wear. For those of you who are outside just for a short while it can be almost anything, as the cold won’t “catch” you on your way between your work and your car. But for everyone else, it can be a bomber jacket. Some designers make bomber jackets, so you don’t need to wear a weird-looking one. But what is important about the protective layer is that it should protect the other layers from wind and it should be water-proof.
Don’t forget your gloves, and you are all set!
By the way, don’t forget the trends for this winter: checkered ties, sleeves with contrasting fabrics (like leather sleeves on a winter coat). Also, knits have made a come-back and you can rely on them.
So, there you have it!
In case you did not know, the Swedish have a phrase: “There is no bad weather, just a bad choice of clothes.”
As usually,
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. Share your questions and thoughts in the comments space provided below!
Also, to keep it styled-up, read our article on how to tie your scarf this winter in several ways!
Further reading: The complete guide to ski wear