Sleep is a highly important aspect of life. The way you sleep will have an impact on every other part of your life from the way you look and the way you carry yourself to your attitude.
A good night’s sleep will help you lose weight; it can give you a clearer mind and will improve your productivity and concentration.
The clothes in which you sleep should therefore be the best of the best. Wearing the right pajamas will not only make your sleep better, therefore making you wake with a better outlook over life, but it will also allow your skin and other organs to rest better, therefore contributing to your health and good looks.
When you are searching for new jammies, there are three main things you should consider.
Comfort, comfort, comfort

The most important thing when it comes to any type of clothing and especially to your sleepwear is comfort. If you don’t have comfortable sleepwear, how do you expect to sleep well? The fabric from which your pajamas are made is very important. Cotton, silk and other natural fabrics are the best way to go to. Synthetic fibers are not right for sleeping: they can keep you too warm or too cold, they can cause rashes, and they don’t allow your skin to breathe. Note that the same rules apply to you bed linens: you should always make sure that you sleep in natural fibers. This way, you will sleep better and your skin will be able to rest and regenerate properly.

As a side note, we need to mention that some men don’t actually use pajamas to sleep. For instance, many guys like to sleep wearing only their underwear. This is totally fine, but this does not mean that your underwear must not be comfortable. Whichever type of underwear you prefer: briefs, boxers, boxer-briefs, if they are made from a 100% synthetic fabric or if they leave a line on your body or make you feel in any way restricted, you should definitely go for a looser pair. Not allowing your privates to breathe or blocking your blood circulation by wearing too tight underwear is not going to make you any favors.

Pajamas are by nature cut more loosely, which is something you will generally notice when you are shopping for PJs. However, the reason behind this is not that loose clothes are way more comfortable than clothes that hug your body, which is how we always recommend your clothes to be, but because when you are wearing your jammies, you should be able to do things and stand in positions in which you don’t normally find yourself. Turning around in your sleep and resting in strange positions is something you should be able to do in your PJs.
Basically, when you are choosing new pajamas, check whether their shoulders match your natural shoulders, if the sleeves end about where your fingers begin and whether the shirt is no longer than your tush.

Whichever type of clothing you are wearing while sleeping, the price you are paying for it is a very important element. We definitely encourage you to invest in very good pajamas, as they are something you will wear almost every night. Getting a good sleep is a very important part of staying healthy both physically and mentally and of looking your best. Therefore, the fabrics in which you sleep are crucial. Quality fabrics are usually more expensive, but they are definitely worth the investment.
When you are buying sleepwear and clothes in general, you should always consider the cost/wear ratio, which refers to what it actually costs to wear a garment each time you put it on. For example, if you are buying pajamas that cost $25, but you only get to wear them about 10 times before they tear, the cost/wear ratio is $2.5 (25/10). However, if you invest in $125 PJs, but wear them at least 500 times, the cost/wear is $0.25 (125/500), which makes the more expensive, but more qualitative pajamas be worth more than their cheaper version.
Considering these three aspects when it comes to your sleepwear and making the right decisions is a sure way to have a better sleep and to feel more rested in the morning.
Of course, sleeping in your birth suit remove these problems, but in that case, you should always make sure that the bed linens in which you sleep are made from high-quality materials and that you sleep at just the right temperature.
Sleeping well is a very important aspect of life, and, in the end, we spend so much time doing it – so why not look and feel your best when you are letting your body rest?
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
The hows and whys of getting a better sleep
What is thread count and why it matters
P.S. In what type of pajama do you sleep? What criteria do you follow when you are choosing your sleepwear? Share your thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, subscribe now to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!
10 replies on “The 3 Things to Consider When Picking Your Pajamas (B)”
The boxers are amazing!
We definitely agree!
I think so too!
It looks like the boxers are having a lot of tracking!
I think that it is definitely worth investing in quality pajamas!
You are totally right!
Love the kimono – I think they are more comfortable than regular pjs!
Modern casual kimonos are definitely very comfortable and stylish!
Underwear are a great choice when it comes to pjs!
They definitely are, just make sure they allow your skin to breathe well!