
Why Locally-Made Clothing Gives Better Value for Money

These days, shopping for clothes is easier than ever. You can buy all sorts of clothing items online and have them delivered right to your doorstep. Without leaving your home, you can access a large selection of retailers offering various garments from both international and local brands.

Men funny socks

But while international clothes have indeed garnered a massive following, it’s a good idea to check out local businesses or products from companies that are based in your area. Prioritizing locally-made brands offers plenty of advantages not just to everyday consumers and local businesses but also to the greater community. This is because:


Locally-made clothes fit local residents better

Man hat outfit

One of the main benefits of buying from a local clothing company is that their products are designed to fit you better. The items are usually made with the needs of the local population in mind. To be specific, the sizes and proportions of the clothes are better fitted to the average body size of the said local population. Given these factors, there’s a better chance that locally-made clothes will suit your body better.

Socks, for example, must have a snug yet comfortable fit. If a pair is too loose, the socks can bunch together and cause chaffing, blisters, and other forms of skin irritations. On the other hand, socks that are too tight can cause bruising and prevent proper blood flow to the toes. Checking out a pair of locally-made socks such as Burlix men’s casual socks will make it much easier for you to find a pair that suits your size and offers a comfortable fit.


Local designers often create much more unique designs

Many foreign retailers, especially fast fashion brands, offer a lot of wardrobe staples like blue jeans and basic white tees. However, these often come in generic styles, unlike some of the clothes you can get from local brands.

Often, many local designers pride themselves on offering unique garments. If you don’t want to show up to an event in the same outfit as another individual, be sure to check out the work of the designers in your area. These local brands will likely have a selection of one-of-a-kind clothing items that will help you flaunt your own unique stand-out style.


Local clothing brands offer better insights into the materials they use


Fast fashion brands have been known to outsource their production processes overseas. Unfortunately, these brands aren’t always transparent about how their clothes are made and where the materials come from.

Local clothing brands, however, make it easy for their customers to trace the manufacturing processes of their products. Many of these brands will readily share information about who made your clothes and how their workers are being treated. You can also easily approach local companies and ask them about the type of fabric used in their clothing.

In fact, you can even ask them for the best way to care for the clothes you’ve bought from them. With this information readily available, you can preserve the quality of the pieces for longer This, in turn, means you can get the most out of the local clothing products you’ve bought.



Locally-made clothes are made with better quality materials and processes

As mentioned earlier, a lot of large retailers outsource their manufacturing to other countries to save on production costs. Often, the facilities in these countries don’t follow stringent quality control standards. As such, there’s no assurance that you’ll get the same level of quality for all the pieces that you buy under these international brands.

By contrast, if you choose to buy garments made in the United States, there’s a higher chance that each product went through strict quality control procedures to comply with local guidelines.


Buying from local brands supports the economy

When you buy from local retailers, you’re not only supporting their business but also creating more job opportunities for the local community. This also contributes to the growth of the local and national economies. Each time you purchase something from a local brand, you’re helping employees in the factories, accounting companies, energy suppliers, and all the other businesses the retailer taps during the manufacturing process.


Locally-made garments are more sustainable

Another advantage of buying locally-made clothing is that they’re better for the environment. Many local brands and designers often source materials that are easily found in the area, making the production process more eco-friendly.

Also, there is a lower carbon footprint when you buy from local brands. Since the products don’t have to be transported from overseas, a lot of shipping processes are also eliminated. This helps reduce the use of fossil fuels and the production of greenhouse gases.

In addition, countries such as the United Stated has strict guidelines when it comes to waste disposal. Many U.S.-based clothing companies comply by safely disposing of and reducing waste. All these efforts also help to ensure fewer byproducts end up in landfills.


In terms of quality, comfort, design, sustainability, and economic impact, many locally made clothing brands offer better value for money. The next time you’re looking for a particular garment, consider checking out the local shops in the area first. That way, you can get the most bang for your buck while helping local businesses and communities sustain their livelihoods.


Fraquoh and Franchomme






P.S. We want to hear from you! Do you buy from local brands? What products do you buy? Why?  Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via email or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

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