
Top Grooming Tips for Students to Look More Masculine

Grooming and personal hygiene are not exclusively for women. Men should also learn how to take care of themselves. Therefore, having a grooming routine is beneficial for both sexes. It allows you to care for your body and pamper yourself, ultimately making you feel more put-together.

Guy looking at himself in the mirror.

In addition, being a college student does not give you a pass for looking raggedy or unkempt. This article is for you if you want to improve your look. You will learn about the top grooming tips you can use to look more masculine in school.


Trim your hair frequently

Nowadays, there are countless salons and barbershops where a young man can get a haircut and facial hair trim. Visiting such establishments regularly will keep you looking fresh and well-kept. In 2020, various hairstyles are fashionable, so whether you prefer a shaggy look or clean lines, you can get both done professionally in a good barbershop.

As a student, you should not allow taking care of your hair or body to overshadow your education. To get ahead in school, you may choose to purchase articles, research papers, and other academic materials from the GrabMyEssay platform. Working with this business will improve your grades and give you time to concentrate on other essential aspects of your life and education.


Take care of your hands and skin

Most men, especially at a younger age, ignore their hands and skin. They don’t use moisturizer or cream to soothe their face and hands. Unfortunately, having dry and irritated skin can diminish someone’s efforts to look their best. Furthermore, having long, uneven and dirty fingernails does nothing to help the situation.


Therefore, you will want to do the following.

  • Always keep your nails trimmed, you can do this by using nail scissors or a nail cutter. Alternatively, you may opt to get regular manicures and pedicures.
  • Apply moisturizer regularly. Doing this is a must, especially in the colder months. You can also use a scrub before applying cream or moisturizer to exfoliate your skin.
  • It is usually a good idea to clean your nails regularly. You will want to do this in between nail trims.
  • If you do some weightlifting or similar activity, you should wear gloves. It will minimize damage to your hands and will prevent the buildup of calluses.

No matter how hard you work, there are times when elbow grease is not enough. At such times, you will need to outsource your academic work. Great essays for free can be found easily, you can even access to high-quality samples on different topics. You also do not have to worry about plagiarism while doing business with this site.


Shower regularly

As a young man, it is to your benefit if you shower at least once a day. Sometimes you will want to clean yourself more than once if necessary. This is especially true for the warmer months or if you work out regularly. Doing this keeps you smelling and looking clean.

You may also consider taking cold showers. Doing this works best when you have a long, hard day of learning and other activities. A cold shower can strengthen your skin, increase body circulation, and improve immunity. However, like all good things, you will want to do it in moderation.


Care for your beard

Your beard is usually the first thing most people see when they meet you. As such, you must care for your facial hair regularly. Many young adults consider having an unkempt beard as a sign of masculinity. On the contrary, caring for your facial hair will make you stand out. You can achieve this in the following ways.

Man with beard

  • Regularly trim your beard to prevent it from overgrowing and looking rough. The best way to do this is to visit your barber regularly.
  • Apply beard oil to keep the hair hydrated and soft. Also, using appropriate oil should prevent dry skin and itching.


Pay attention to dental hygiene

Oral hygiene involves having clean teeth and fresh breath. You may achieve both by brushing your teeth at least twice a day. In addition, you may want to use an electric toothbrush, as it works better than a regular one. Do not forget to floss your teeth before bed, as it helps prevent plaque from building up. Also, clean your tongue if you want a fresh breath. You may think that dental hygiene is only beneficial for your health and can’t do much for how you look and feel, but you can’t be more wrong Having clean teeth will make you smile more which will in turn do wonders for your charisma.



As a male student who wants to look their best and feel more masculine, taking care of your looks and properly grooming yourself is a must. You can achieve this fresh, well-kept, put-together look by following the tips from this article. Update your grooming routine today, and you will look and feel better in no time!


Fraquoh and Franchomme






P.S. We want to hear from you! Do you have a grooming routine? What is it? How often do you get your hair cut? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via email or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!



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