Beard and Mustache Grooming

Why Your Beard Smells and What You Can Do about It

The grooming process for men can sometimes take time, especially for those with a beard. Although most guys are meticulous in maintaining the appearance of their beard, some often overlook the smell their facial hair generates, which can be undesirable if untended.


During the warm seasons or if you live in an area that’s humid throughout the year, it’s expected that the skin under the beard will become sweaty, leading to an undesirable odor emanating. Although it’s a typical ordeal most men face, there are other reasons for the unpleasant beard odor. There are some preventive measures that can be taken, such as using beard care products. A good starting point is to check out reputable brands that offer beard washes, conditioners, and oils, to name a few. Kingsmen Premium offers these washes along with other beard care products.   


Common reasons for unpleasant beard odor

Aside from the odor that normal sweating triggers, there are other causes for a person to end up with an undesirable beard odor.  

Some of the common causes of a bad-smelling beard include: 

Man hairstyle and beard

  • Bacteria: One of the usual reasons a beard exudes an unpleasant odor is the buildup of bacteria. It’s likely for the bacteria to embed in your hair and skin, which eventually multiplies. Sadly, the more you sweat, especially during warm days, the more odorous your beard becomes since it combines with the already present bacteria.  
  • Food particles: Eating is also one of the reasons your beard will eventually smell, especially if you’re not careful. In most instances, carelessness while eating allows food particles to end up stuck in facial hair, especially in men who sport a bushy or long one. In the long run, the food particles will generate a rotten smell if you fail to remove them thoroughly. It is odd, but it happens.
  • Environment: The area where you reside or frequent most of the time may contribute to a smelly beard, especially if you’re constantly exposed to pollution. The reason for this is that the bacteria present in the air can get stuck in your facial hair. 
  • Sebum or oil buildup: As part of the natural processes in the body, sebum or oil is produced by the sebaceous glands to condition your hair and prevent excessive dryness. However, if you overlook the importance of keeping your beard clean regularly, it’s likely to accumulate excessive sebum that can cause bacteria to build up, resulting in a bad odor. 

Now that you know the potential reasons for a foul-smelling beard, you should be familiar with ways to prevent it from happening. 


Ways to prevent unpleasant beard odors

Growing a beard will require extra care, and one of the main concerns is odor. If you notice an undesirable odor coming from your beard or get a complaint from a family member or friend, it’s important to act immediately. Luckily, there are ways to keep your beard looking good, clean, and fresh.  


  • Follow a regular cleaning routine 

Like your daily hygiene routines, such as taking a bath or shower, you should also clean your beard daily. Performing daily cleaning will keep your facial hair clean without any undesirable odor. With this in mind, it’s best to use a beard shampoo or wash to prevent odor from developing. Make sure to check out the best beard products on the market to get the best results for your facial hair, especially those that give your beard gentle cleansing while hydrating at the same time. 


  • Exfoliate your beard  

If you have been deep cleansing your face, it’s also applicable to your beard. You should include it a few times weekly to keep your beard smelling fresh. A deep clean can eliminate any lingering debris or old skin on your beard area.  


  • Apply a beard oil  

Although most are content with using a beard shampoo, oil is another beard care product worth adding to your routine. Using one will help eliminate any unwanted odor. The product helps keep the skin under your beard properly moisturized. Depending on the brand, it also helps regulate oil production and minimize possible irritation. When using a product close to your nose, your olfactory glands can become irritated, so it’s best to look for one with little to no fragrance.


  • Dry the beard thoroughly  

When you have a thick or long beard, it’s important to dry it properly. Water might end up deep in your beard, which most tend to overlook after cleaning. If the water lingers for a while, it emits a musty or mildew-like smell.

Man with Beard

The best way to avoid this is to squeeze your entire beard with a towel. You can also utilize a brush to remove any water buildup from your beard before drying it off with a towel.


Final thoughts

Sweat, food, too oil, and bacteria on your skin can all contribute to an unpleasant beard odor. Hygiene will also play a role because if you fail to follow a cleaning routine, you’ll have an unpleasant-smelling beard. Luckily, you have various ways to deal with the odor. Remember that your main priority is to keep your facial hair and skin clean using the proper beard products.


Fraquoh and Franchomme


P.S. We want to hear from you! What is your beard maintenance routine? Do you use beard oils? What brands do you like for beard care? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via email or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!



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