
Making Time for Health in a Busy Schedule

Are you always on the go and feel like you never have time for yourself? Welcome to the club. Millions of Americans feel overwhelmed by packed schedules every day, between school, kids, work, entrepreneurship, social obligations, and spending time with families. As your head hits the pillow at night, you are probably thinking, “wow, that day went by fast!”

Man tank top workout

When life circumstances create a busy calendar, prioritizing health can feel impossible. There are too many things to get done during the day, and it leaves no time to invest in wellness. But this pattern can negatively affect every other area of your life. Your energy will be diminished, making it harder to focus on other tasks and relationships that matter. It can also foster a negative mood, making it harder to enjoy life.

Though it is difficult to make time for health in your busy schedule, there are some creative ways that you can make this a priority.


Choose exercises you love

Working out on the beach
You don’t necessarily need to be at home or at the gym to exercise. You can use your work-out time to connect with nature as well!

One of the things that make it difficult to fit exercise into a busy schedule is a lack of motivation. In many cases, physical activity is difficult and tiring, so the thought of cramming it into an already busy day leaves you feeling miserable. Choosing activities you enjoy can make it much easier to find the motivation you need to make time for it. If you love to bike, fit in a half-hour bike ride in the morning. Are you motivated by seeing yourself work out and adjusting your form? Do your activities in a front of a large mirror at home. The more you enjoy the workout itself, the easier it is to prioritize it during your day.


Take advantage of the mornings

How you start your morning will have a huge impact on how the rest of the day plays out. The time after you wake up is likely to be the most peaceful, especially if you get up before the rest of the house. This time period is quiet and may allow you the space needed to add healthy routines before the day gets moving. By waking up just twenty minutes earlier, you will have the flexibility to do things like prepare a healthy breakfast, listen to calming music, read a book, and even exercise. The added benefit of prioritizing health in the morning is that it can put you in a better mindset for the day with more energy.


Take supplements

A busy schedule may be hard to overcome or declutter, so you have to take little steps when you can to support your health. Dietary supplements provide vitamins and minerals in the form of pills, capsules, gels, powders, bars, or gummies. These extra nutrients are the perfect way to support an already healthy diet. Your body’s cells require vitamins and minerals to function, and taking supplements will promote total body health in a convenient way that will not disrupt your busy schedule.


Find a partner

Accountability can be a motivating factor when it comes to pursuing health. While it can be easy to skip a healthy behavior after a tiring day ends, it is a little harder to cancel a plan made with someone else. The key is to find a balance between someone who is both encouraging and will push you to meet your goals. This person should have similar goals so that you can both support each other without feeling resentful of the encouragement. With the right partner, you will have a little extra motivation to engage in healthy behaviors, even if your schedule feels overwhelming.


Cut out unnecessary obligations


Look, your schedule may have a lot of things that are important that cannot be sacrificed. But there are probably also some things you have said “yes” to that are completely unnecessary. Whether it is a social obligation, another family meet-up, or something else, sometimes you just have to cut something out of your schedule to make time for yourself. It may be a sacrifice or could lead to another person being disappointed that you didn’t show up, but your health is more important than those responses. Maybe you can try canceling just one plan each week and then use that time for a workout or meditation session.


Remember that your health is important

None of these tips require a ton of work to do. They are simple and straightforward ways to focus on health amid a busy schedule. All it takes is one small step. Purchase some supplements to take when you eat breakfast. Wake up just ten minutes earlier to give yourself more time in the morning. Schedule a workout with a friend once or twice a month and stick to it. Find exercises you love so you don’t want to skip them. Or, make your schedule lighter by removing an unnecessary plan. These behaviors will allow you to focus a little more on health each day, improving your energy levels and outlook on life.


Fraquoh and Franchomme






P.S. We want to hear from you! How do you make time for health? What sports do you practice? Do you go to a spa or something similar? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram!



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