
How to Dress to Command Respect

These days, there is a lot of talk about men who are or who want to be alpha males. Among all this chatter, the very definition of an alpha male is what seems to be the biggest concern people have around, this topic. So, what’s an alpha male? To put it simply, an alpha male […]

Basic Style Guides Style Style Guides

How to Layer a Sweater over a Shirt without Looking Lumpy?

At Attire Club, we often talk about layering and the great sartorial results one can obtain when adding multiple layers of clothes one over the other to obtain a great look. Putting on a shirt, sweater and jacket usually looks a lot better than a single item, as it adds depth to the look and […]


3 Ways to Elevate Your Daily Outfits

Every day, you put on an outfit that tells the world a little bit about who you are. Fashion gives us a way to express ourselves, but turning bold looks is a tricky thing to master. It should be easy to build an outfit that reflects who you are, but it’s not always so simple. […]


The 2020 Guide to Valentine’s Day Style and Gifts

Valentine’s Day is most likely one of the most controversial holidays in the contemporary calendar. It’s a tricky day, which creates many issues for many people. Some don’t like it, but their partners do, others don’t know, a segment of the population takes it very seriously and some oppose it with the very valid argument […]


4 Common Fashion Mistakes Men Make in Their 30s

Men in their 30s are expected to dress better than they did in their 20s. And that’s something to be understood, since in your 30s you are more experienced and mature than you were before. Expectations regarding your appearance rise along with age, income, experience and seniority at work. However, dressing your age in your […]

Clothes Sportswear Style

What Not to Wear to a Sports Event

Many people like to spend a part of their free time attending sporting events and matches. And, while many sports stadiums don’t have strict dress codes for fans to adhere to, there are some outfits that are a no-go when attending a big game. It doesn’t matter if you are a soccer, basketball, football or […]


The Ultimate Men’s Style Guide for the New Year’s Eve 2020 Party

The New Year is a great opportunity to celebrate the year that’s passed, to reflect on it and to embark on a new journey, striving for higher achievements than before. New Year’s Eve is marked by most people through fun parties filled with champagne, caviar and lots of fun. Sometimes, people have themed parties, but […]


How to Fix Clothes and Accessories: 5 Hacks

Sometimes, it can happen that your clothes or accessories get damaged in one way or another. It is quite unavoidable for clothes get holes or stains and for accessories break or simply seem to become unusable. In these instances, there are a few things you can try to do to save your garments and accessories. […]


Style Tips for College Guys

The time one spends in college is a wonderful time to learn and develop. Surely, the primary goal of your college years is to learn a trade, a skill or a craft and to become as good as possible at it. However, classes and homework still leave you with a good amount of time on […]


4 Tips on How to Dress Like James Bond at a Casino and Exude Confidence

James Bond remains for many the epitome of the ultimate gentleman. Ever since Ian Fleming’s novels were adapted into movies, the character has become synonymous in pop culture with charm and eloquence. Much of this is because of Bond’s clothing choices. Throughout the franchise, the spy exudes confidence while wearing exquisitely tailored suits. So if […]


Reinvent Your Wardrobe for the Autumn

There is a saying that September is the January of fashion. And, if you think about it, this makes sense in many ways, as the autumn time is the time when many things seem to start over. If you think about it, many original cultures start their calendar in the autumn, from the Jewish and […]


The Guide to Wearing a Tie with Jeans

It has become increasingly accepted and popular over the last years to wear a tie with jeans. This is a bit of high-and-low mix, which can work very well in your favor. However, due to the fact that such a combination implies putting together two pieces that are generally considered to be coming from different […]