Culture Fashion History InCompany by Attire Club Magazine

Attire Club Mood Board: Embroidered Book Covers

When thinking of embroidery, most people think, of course, about models and patterns sewed onto clothing in order to embellish them. What many people don’t know is that in history, embroidery was used not just for clothing and textile accessories, but also for books. The British Library Database of Bookbindings holds a superb collection embroidered […]

Home Decor Metafashion

How to Style Up Your Kitchen (B)

Style is not something that is limited to accessories, clothes, grooming and your overall personal look. Everything in your life should be stylish, as, your environment and the way you do and are things has a massive influence on your attitude and world view – we call that metafashion. Therefore, your environment can be styled […]

Home Decor Metafashion

7 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Home’s Décor

Your home should  not only be a place to sleep at night, shower and eat in the morning, it should be, just like your clothes, an extension of you and should speak about who you are and what makes you tick. Every living environment, whether it’s a dorm room or a five-bedroom house should make you […]

Home Decor Metafashion

10 Redecorating Tips

Every once in a while, you feel like you need to change the landscape you live in. Sometimes you have a good reason (such as you’re not in college anymore and can’t keep any idiotic things hanging on the walls), and sometimes you just want to refresh your home’s look. But renovating and redecorating takes […]

In Their Own Words Interviews and Features

In His Own Words: Writer P.H. Davies

Attire Club is all about connecting fashion and style to your life in all ways possible. Beauty can be found in many places and in many forms. The things you use as your inspiration can vary from a photograph to a painting or even a piece of technology. This is why we asked a series […]

Attire Club World

A last minute guide to Valentine’s gifts for him and her

A holiday like Valentine’s day can be a tricky event if you need to buy a gift for someone you like or wish to be your valentine! As a general rule, it is known that if you are highly familiar with someone, you probably know what they like and you can even give them as […]