Culture Fashion and Music

6 Fashion Subcultures You Should Know About

If fashion is a component of culture, a subculture can be defined as a group that is based on or organized upon a particular set of features of appearance, costume and adornment that makes its members distinctive enough to be a clear part of a wider culture. Each subculture has its own rules, some are […]

Fashion Around The World In Their Own Words

Fashion Around The World: Welcome To Finland

Street photography, more specifically street fashion photography has seen a huge rise in the last years. In the last years, a lot of websites allow members to upload their street style photos and share them with the world. There are also millions of fashion bloggers in the world who share their looks and we became […]

Attire Club World In Their Own Words

In Her Own Words: Paulina Villalpando

We invited a series of designers, artists and outstanding bloggers to write about their vision, work and inspiration and created a new category on Attire Club called “In Their Own Words”. Each week a new person takes the stand and discusses beauty and creativity from their perspective. Paulina Villalpando is an accessories designer, business owner […]