Fashion Editorials Fashion History

Men and the Color Pink: A Cultural History

Pink is a color that, throughout the 20th century and, apparently, in the beginning of the 21st century too, has been strongly associated with the idea of “girliness”. This link was so strong, that in many societies it has become a great taboo for men to enjoy the color pink in general and to wear […]

Fashion History

Trendy and Weird: A Collection of Strange Fashion Trends From the Past (I)

A fashion trend is a new design or styling manner that is accepted by a large population and is followed enthusiastically for a longer or shorter time span. Following a trend is a way of connecting to your peers and affirming your place within a group. Once the perception of the novelty is gone, a […]

In Their Own Words

In Her Own Words: Artist Pamela Gallegos

We invited a series of designers, artists and outstanding bloggers to write about their vision, work and inspiration and created a new category on Attire Club called “In Their Own Words”. Each week a new person takes the stand and discusses beauty and creativity from their perspective. Pamela Gallegos is a fantastic visual artist whose […]