
Give Yourself a Makeover in 7 Easy Steps (B)

In both your personal and professional life, you own brand is very important. The way you conduct yourself, your values and your work are all part of what we can call your brand. But, as with any brand, the inside should be reflected on the outside as well. This is why, it is of very […]

Fashion History

Trendy and Weird: A Collection of Strange Fashion Trends From the Past (I)

A fashion trend is a new design or styling manner that is accepted by a large population and is followed enthusiastically for a longer or shorter time span. Following a trend is a way of connecting to your peers and affirming your place within a group. Once the perception of the novelty is gone, a […]

Grooming Style

Choosing the Right Eyebrow Shape for Men (B)

Your eyebrows are one of the very few facial traits which you can easily manipulate to look better and more polished. Your natural eyebrows are a good indicator of what style probably fits you best, but if you take it a step further and refine that look, you will notice that your look will be […]


25 Grooming Tips For Men (B)

When it comes to you overall look, it’s important to pay just as much attention to your clothes and other big items as it is to pay attention to a lot of small details. These details are not only the accessories you wear, they are also the simple rituals you do to groom yourself. Being […]