Dressing well is very important, as looking your best can have a tremendously big impact on your attitude towards the world, your actions and yourself. Knowing what to look for when you go shopping and finding it easy to put outfits together will have a big, positive impact on your life, as you will be saving time, money and energy. Being well-dressed means wearing the best things that look good on you, it does not mean following a set of fixed rules. The components of a good outfit are a good structure, fit and style!
In this article we will look at some fashion tips for big and tall men that will help any man who falls in this category look his best! Of course, at times these guidelines have exceptions, but they generally apply well to any man. The 12 rules can be applied regardless of your style, taste or preferences, as they are general and highly versatile.
Finding the right clothes for big and tall men can seem tricky, but knowing where to look and how to look at clothes will have a big impact on your style experience.
1. Wear clothes that fit
The main thing that any man who wants to look his best needs to do is to wear clothes that fit him. In fashion, fitted refers to clothes that touch your body, without being too tight or too loose. Many men who are heavy set or very tall tend to wear shirts that have boxy cuts. Wearing clothes that are bigger or smaller than your size won’t do you any favors. If you wear clothes that are too big, you will look even larger, as they will add bulk to your body. On the other hand, if you wear clothes that are too tight, you are going to look larger than you are, as it will seem like your clothes are strangling you and as if they are going to break and tear. Most people actually need their clothes to be adjusted by a tailor in order for them to fit just right. As a tip, when you go shopping, choose a piece that is slightly larger (preferably just in one or two areas) and have it professionally adjusted by a tailor.
2. Wear light weight fabrics
If you are a guy who’s big and tall, light weight fabrics are the kinds of materials you should be looking for. Look for clothes made from fabrics such as tropical wool or cotton as these fabrics are light, they won’t add bulk to your overall image, they won’t make you easily sweat and can be layered easily!
3. Add structure to your outfit
In order to look their best, big and tall men should wear clothes that are well-structured. Instead of opting for plain t-shirts and pants, go for shirts that feature a spread collar, for vests with lapels, and basically almost anything that has an interesting cut to it.
However, there are a few things you should stay away from and these are double-pleated pants and pants that are buttoned too high. Which brings us to our next point…
4. Wear the right pants
If you are a big and tall man, the best thing you can do to flatter your body is to wear your pants high, around your natural waist, above your hips. This way, the fabric will drape over your stomach and fall smoothly down your body. Mid-rise pants are the best way to go, as low-rise pants or high-rise pants will make you look bigger than you really are.
Moreover, try to stay away from pants that feature pleats as these tend to only add bulk to your appearance.
Furthermore, when you are buying pants, stay away from pants that narrow or taper at the bottom. To check your pants, jeans or slacks if they taper at the bottom, lay the desired pair of pants on a table, take the part which would come at your ankle and fold it over the leg of the pant so that it touches the part where your knee would come. If they are the same size in terms of width, the pants are not tapered and they are good to go!
5. Wear a jacket
Jackets are amazing style pieces, as they add structure to an outfit and give your body a better shape. Modern jackets are generally designed to have a leveling effect, making your body look as close as possible to a square hourglass.

Bigger men look better in single-breasted suits that button quite low. This will create a very deep V shape, making you look leaner and longer. Make sure that your jacket is loose enough so you can raise your arms in it and long enough so that it covers your tush when you are standing.
Go for jackets that feature bigger details, such as bigger pockets or wider lapels. Also, most stylists would recommend wearing a double-vented jacket, as the two vents add flexibility and shape to your appearance.

6. V-necks
If you are wearing a sweater of a t-shirt, v-necks are the best way to go. Unlike crew necks or other types, v-necks will make you appear leaner, more balanced and will elongate your face. This is truly a small, but very useful trick you can use to enhance your overall appearance.
7. Wear big jewelry
If you decide to wear a watch, a tie clip, a bracelet or even a necklace, always opt for a larger design. The rule of accessories is that they should be proportionate to the wearer’s body: slim men should wear thin accessories, while big and tall men should wear big accessories. Always go for a wider watch strap, a wider tie clip, a big bracelet rather than for a small one. Wearing small jewelry will make you look strangled and uncomfortable.
8. Wear wide ties

Ties are the most common piece of accessory worn by men world-wide. A good tie gives a man elegance and a refined look. There are a lot of things you should know about ties, but if you are a big and tall guy, the main thing you should look out for is that your tie is wider than average. Contrary to popular belief, ties come in all shapes and sizes and bigger men always look better in wider ties. Make sure that when you tie it, the tip of the tie reaches the upper line of your belt and that it doesn’t end higher or lower than that!
9. Wear suspenders
To get a well-balanced and structured look, every man should opt for a belt or for a good pair of suspenders. Depending on how big you are, you can wear a belt, but generally big men look a lot better in suspenders. Regardless of what you choose to wear, remember that belts and suspenders should never be worn at the same time. The reason for that is that they serve the same purpose, which is to keep your pants up, so there is no need to wear them both. That would be like wearing two shirts!
10. Wear dark colors
Choosing the right colors for you can have a very big impact on the way you look. Big men usually look best in dark colors, such as brown, black, etc. We’re not saying you should not wear other colors, but we recommend that they should be quite on the dark side. So, for example, if you want to wear green, don’t opt for a bright green, but rather go for a darker shade.
11. Wear vertical stripes
This is probably one of the most common style advice given to big men: wear vertical stripes. It is true that vertical stripes are slimming, they will make you look more dynamic and will enhance your overall look. But, because we always like to take things one step further, we can say that we generally recommend that bigger men should wear thin stripes rather than thick ones. So if you wear a dark shirt, with a spread collar and thin, vertical stripes, you are on the right way!
12. Wear patterns
Patterns are a great way to enhance any look! Big men usually look best in patterns that feature medium-sized elements, such as paisleys, dots, check or even repeated crests. Try to avoid heavy patterns, especially if they feature horizontal lines such as windowpane, plaids or different types of checks.
Now that you have these tips, you can be more confident and know that wherever you go and whichever style you like to dress in, applying these guidelines will make you look better and a lot more elegant!
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. If you are a big guy, what do you like to wear? What is the faux-pas you are guilty of? Share your thoughts, questions or feedback on the article in the comments below! For more style advice and fashion tips, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook or Twitter!
25 replies on “12 Fashion Rules for Big and Tall Men (B)”
Great advice and tips!
xo, jackie
Thank you!
I think that the tips regarding big ties is the most useful… to me at least. it can be hard for big guys to look balanced.
Hy Kevin,
We’re glad you found it useful!
Stay elegant,
Good to learn that vertical lines do make you appear sledner!
Hi Henri45,
They do, but only if the fit of the shirt/jacket/pants is well made! Cut is always above fabrics, it is better to wear a well-tailored shirt with horizontal stripes than a poor-tailored one with vertical lines!
Won’t wearing layers make me look even bigger?
Hi darren,
Adding layers of fitted clothes will make you look more put together and polished and therefore your size will not be the central element of your overall look!
Keep layering :P!
Great tips, I will recommend it to someone I know!
We’re glad to hear that!
Awesome Job, I am glad to have found this page and this article
Thank you, we’re glad you enjoyed it!
Excellent advice. Large men tend to wear over sized clothes, but if they wear cloths that are tailored they look much sharper.
That is definitely true, Richard!
I enjoyed this article. I’m trying to help my big brother revamp his style. Our problem has been finding stores that carry large sizes. Any suggestions??? He also has trouble with jeans/pants because of his large thighs and comparatively smaller waist. Should we just take his jeans to the tailors?
Dear Jasmine,
Thank you very much for the question!
You can search for clothes at stores such as Grover’s Big and Tall for example: http://www.groversbigandtall.com/en/.
They even have suits and dress pants!
If your brother cannot find clothes fit his body shape accordingly, he should definitely have his pants tailored. Make sure you buy a bigger size and have the tailor adjust them – it will really look great!
For more information on dressing up for heavier guys, visit this guide: http://attireclub.org/2013/06/10/dressing-up-for-heavy-men-b/
Also, for tips on how to dress your body type, check out this article: http://attireclub.org/2014/11/29/mens-body-types-traits-fashion-tips/
We are glad you are trying to revamp your brother’s style! He or you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on our social media and learn new things that will help him develop his style almost every day!
Let us know if you have any other questions or comments!
Yours sincerely,
Fraquoh and Franchomme
What about jeans? Everything that I find seems to have a “bell bottom” effect. The only pair that seem to look right on me a Levis 541 athletic fit jeans, but they only come in limited colors/washes.
Any advice on brands that do not have this bell bottom effect?
Dear Mike,
Generally pants are made to be a bit looser on the lower half. It’s most likely that many manufacturers make them with a bell bottom effect due to a “one size fits all” mentality, which can indeed be frustrating.
Your best option if you can’t find any pants that suit you well is to purchase a larger pair and have them tailored. This might be a bit expensive, but tailoring a high quality pair of jeans will ensure you that you will have a go-to item for quite a while.
Also, Grover’s Big and Tall, the brand we mentioned feature jeans in their e-shop. Here’s an example that has a rather straight line: http://www.groversbigandtall.com/en/big-and-tall-pants/big-and-tall-jeans/black-bull-mad-jean
or http://www.groversbigandtall.com/en/big-and-tall-pants/big-and-tall-jeans/lois-enzo-tight-leg-low-waist
They seem to be similar o the Levis 541 athletic fit jeans you mentioned.
Here is the link to all the jeans available on their website: http://www.groversbigandtall.com/en/big-and-tall-pants/big-and-tall-jeans.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Thank you for this article.
I have a tendency of wearing clothes that’s too small hoping I’ll shrink before I need to buy new clothes.
It’s a vicious circle. You’ve given me a lot to work with.
Truly grateful!
We’re glad you are taking steps in the right sartorial direction!
When buying a tie for my short, larger husband do I need a longer wider tie or a regular length tie that is wider ?
Also he has very skinny legs & large middle (belly), he can never find pants or jeans because they all look like balloon pants( his words).
Dear Rose,
If your husband is short, a regular length tie should do it. An average-width tie might also be a good idea, it doesn’t necessarily need to be wide, you can try both options and see which goes best.
Also, in regards to the pants, some brands such as US Polo Assn (https://uspoloassn.com) have pants that might be more suited for this body type. Otherwise, you can simply buy pants that fit well around the waist and have them tailored according to his size.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
What would the position be with bow ties? Their increasing popularity makes for a curious dilemma with no definitive fashion statement in regards to larger men, both in big and tall respectively.
Dear Ian,
The general rule regarding any accessories is that they should be proportionate to the wearer’s size.
Basically, larger men should wear bigger accessories (including bow ties), while men with smaller frames can opt for slimmer ones. This way, you will look proportionate.
You can read more here:
If you have any more questions, let us know!
These tips are simply amazing. I never knew that wider ties have such an affect on big and tall men! I will surely follow these tips and looking forward to more tips for tall men keep blogging! your post is very informative for so many people.