Your face shape plays a big role in choosing the best hair style, facial hair and sometimes, even certain clothes for you. Thus, it plays a major role in establishing which type of sideburns will make you look best.
Making the wisest choice is going to elevate your aspect regardless of the way you look. Sideburns have the potential of adding style, visual interest and balance to your face, which is why you should take them very seriously.
General rules
Before diving into choosing the best sideburns styles for your shape face, there are a few general rules that need to be said about sideburns.
Firstly, your sideburns should be the consistent with your hairstyle. While sometimes a difference might work, having sideburns that are completely different from your hair will look as if you have glued some else’s sideburns on your face. Thus, if your hair is short, your sideburns should also be short. Men with longer hair, however, can sport longer sideburns.
The density of your facial hair is also a big factor to consider. Men who have denser facial hair can sport thicker sideburns, while men who don’t have very dense facial hair should stick to thinner and trim styles, otherwise your sideburns won’t make much sense.
Thirdly, you should consider the length of your face: longer faces are best complimented by shorter sideburns and shorter faces by longer sideburns.
Moreover, it is not recommended to use your earlobes as a point of reference for balancing the length of your sideburns. Often, your ears are different, which means that if you choose your earlobes as reference points, your sideburns will be uneven.
Furthermore, if you have large ears, you should not go for thick sideburns, as it will make your ears bigger.
Your face shape and sideburns
When it comes to choosing the best sideburns for your face shape you should first of all determine in which main category of face type you fall into. As usually, here is our quick guide on establishing what type of face you have:
If your face’s length is bigger than its width, and the line of your cheekbones is wider than rest of your face, it means that you have an oval face.
If the width of your cheekbones is almost equal to the length of your face, and your forehead and chin are tapered, you might have a round face.
In case your forehead is almost the same width as, or a little narrower than your cheekbones, and your chin is tapered, you probably have a heart-shape face.
If the width of your forehead, cheeks, and jawline are approximately equal, then your face is square.
Here is which sideburns style suit which face type best:
Oval. Men who have oval faces are best complimented by medium-length sideburns, meaning that they should end around mid-ear. These men should avoid very long sideburns, as these will lengthen your face. Also, some men with oval faces usually look disproportionate without sideburns, which is why, if you have an oval face and have not considered sideburns yet, you should.
If your face is very long and narrow, long, thick sideburns can add width.
Round. Men with round faces can balance their face with longer sideburns. Long sideburns mean sideburns that go below the mid-ear level. The best length is determined by every particular case, so start out at your mid-ear and go longer and longer until you find what style fits you best. Also, men with rounder faces should avoid bushy sideburns, as this will add more roundness to your face which will make it very voluminous. Moreover, note that very short sideburns will have the same effect.
Heart. Men with heart type faces are quite tricky to style since short and medium sideburns can make your face wider. However, going for a more trimmed sideburn style, these can make your face narrower, but it really is a case-by-case thing. Men with heart faces should experiment and see what suits them best. Generally speaking, guys with heart shape faces are best complimented by full beards or just well-kept scruff.

Square. Men who have square-shaped faces are best complimented by longer sideburns that reach down to the bottom of their ear. This length will give your face a nice balance and feel.
Knowing how to choose the best sideburns for your face shape will help you determine what works best for you and what doesn’t. Of course, sometimes the exception might work better than the rule, which is why you should feel free to experiment with styles, lengths and shapes. In the end, you will find what works best for you and will always look your best, which will give you the confidence and attitude to be your best. And that is what true style is all about.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
Further reading:
Choosing your haircut according to your face shape
Choosing glasses according to your face Shape, hair and eye color
Choose the right tie for your body and face type
P.S. We want to hear from you! Do you wear sideburns? What length and width are they now? How did you make decision and was it the right one? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!