Basic Style Guides Blazers Fashion Advice Suits Ties

Creating Proportions: Lapels, Ties and Collars (B)

What are proportions? In any field that works with beauty, proportions are one of the key elements a creator is looking for. Whether it is a painting, a photograph, a piece of music or even a film, proportions and balance are the main focus points that one should be looking for. By proportion we understand […]

Fashion Advice

Discovering What Colors to Wear According to Your Natural Features (B)

Choosing the right color clothes is a very important aspect when it comes to fashion. One very good way to tell which colors work best on you is to establish which colors flatter your skin tone. But your complexion is not the only thing that determines what colors work best on you. Your hair and […]

Basic Style Guides Bow Ties Fashion Advice Suspenders

How to Wear Bow Ties with Suspenders (B)

Whenever you put an outfit together, you should always make sure that the overall outfit has presence. An outfit with presence is always a complete outfit: this means that everything is in place and that all the clothes fit just right. A great way to gain presence is by adding layers or accessories to your […]

Accessories Fashion Advice Fashion World

Fashion by Pepsi: Art & Sport

A while ago we wrote an article on wearing limited edition clothes and we were saying that limited edition clothes are great references in themselves, as they are made to reflect a special event or a certain time. Wearing limited edition clothes is a great way to express your appreciation over a certain happening or […]

Blazers Fashion Advice Fashion World Product / Brand Reviews

Summer Style: The Gagliardi Boating Jacket

Summer is an excellent time to wear bright colors, light fabrics and fancy patterns! A summer jacket is a piece any man should own! It is a staple of style, elegance and attitude. We know that it might be hard to come across quality summer jackets, as many tend to be too thick for the […]

Accessories Fashion Advice

An Introduction to Men’s Earrings (B)

Earrings, even though they are mostly associated with women, are gaining a lot of popularity among men as well. If back in the day it was only guys like Mr. T or George Michael who would wear them, now they are rapidly becoming a part of our daily lives. With all this, many men who […]

Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice Pants

Style Checklist: What to Look for When Buying Pants (B)

Pants are a very important part of any man’s closet. Finding the right pair of pants might be tricky, but once you grab that pair of pants that fits and looks just right, can make sure it will be worth it! Whether we’re talking about khakis, chinos, dress pants or jeans, there are a few […]

Fashion Advice Style

Style Tips: How to Mix Clothes of Different Fabrics for Great Effects! (B)

When you are choosing your clothes, there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration. Cut, shape, color, texture, pattern and shine are all very important factors when it comes to the things you put on. Another parameter one should always consider is the fabric from which each piece is made. […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Casual Shoes Fashion Advice Shoes Style

What Are the Differences between Loafers and Moccasins and How to Wear Them? (B)

Slip-on shoes are fantastic pieces that we feel any man should incorporate in his wardrobe. They are very versatile, practical and can be dressed up and down according to the setting in which you want to wear them. Loafers have their origins in Scandinavia, where fishermen would wear two pieces of leather fastened with a […]

Accessories Fashion Advice Hats Style

The Guide to Men’s Hats [Part 2] (B)

Hats are amazing accessories which come in such a wide variety of styles that there is sure one for every guy who wants to wear one. In the first part of the guide to hats, we talked about fedoras, Panama hats, boaters and more. In this part, we will be looking at other types, such […]

Accessories Fashion Advice Hats Style

The Guide to Men’s Hats [Part 1] (B)

The revival of men’s style and fashion has, among many style elements, also brought up the different types of men’s hats and gave them a big refresh. If in the past, hats were almost mandatory for a man, today they are optional. Men’s hats are in a way like watches. They are not mandatory, so […]

Fashion Advice Proficiency Style Guides

The Complete Guide to Mixing Patterns and Prints (P)

Mixing patterns and prints is a little trickier than mixing colors, as when you are mixing colors, you can use the color wheel to see what colors go together well. Prints and patterns however, are a lot of times a combination of colors to begin with; their components have shapes which you need to establish […]