Fragrances Proficiency Style Guides

The Fragrance Wheel: Choose Perfumes Like A Pro (P)

Smelling is, even though we don’t realize it on a daily basis, a sense that we use more often than we imagine. We don’t notice smells so much consciously (unless they are very strong or we want to perceive them consciously), but we notice them unconsciously. This is why we think that perfumes are a […]

Proficiency Style Guides Style

Choosing Your Haircut According to Your Face Shape (P)

Your haircut is a great way to express your personality. A good haircut can project an image of yourself that you want to convey to world, it can make you feel good and confident and will ensure you that you will present the best version of yourself to the world. Choosing the right haircut will […]

Fashion Advice Proficiency Style Guides Style

Choosing Glasses according to Your Face Shape, Hair and Eye Color (P)

More and more people these days need glasses as a result of spending too much time in front of screens, as the TV or the laptop, or due to other factors. Many people though do not feel very comfortable with wearing glasses. Maybe some just have bad memories from their childhood, when they were being […]

Accessories Fashion Advice Proficiency Style Guides Style

The Complete Guide to Choosing a Tie (P)

If there is one thing that is globally associated with men and style, that is the tie. The tie is the thing that confers a man elegance. In the article below, you will be able to read all things related to ties, broken down in sections.     Ties and fabrics

Fashion Advice Proficiency Style Guides Style

The Professional Way to Choose the Colors of Your Clothes (P)