Basic Style Guides Style

Why Simplicity is Always Best

Think of “classic men’s fashion”. What comes first to mind? A suit, a black suit and a white shirt? A black suit, a white shirt and a black tie? Why do we all see these things as classics? In order to answer this question, we should define the word “classic”. Classic, according to the dictionary […]

Fashion Advice Proficiency Style Guides Style

The Professional Way to Choose the Colors of Your Clothes (P)

Fashion World Style

Looks We Love: December Edition

We like to keep track of what is new in the fashion world. We find a lot to buy, a lot to comment and a lot of inspiration. If you are passionate about keeping up with the fashion world, you can follow us on Facebook, which is where we add all the things we find […]

Fashion World Style

Our picks: 8 looks we like and why we like them

Hy! We put together a slide show of look we like. Most of them are from next spring`s collection (2013). Reading our comments, you will notice the patterns, the trends and the red wire. Fabulous fabrics and colors hit the runway and make an impression that is sure to last. Have a look at these […]

Fashion Advice Fashion World Style

Dress to impress: a hand picked selection of jackets

The holidays are almost here and many of you are going to go to a gathering, a family reunion or a party of a kind or the other. It`s important to make an entrance and make sure people know you are there. We think a jacket is a good item to wear this winter, and […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Style

How to Tie Your Scarf This Winter (B)

Scarves are the best thing to have in colder times but they also make the best fashion accessory if you know what to do with it! A well-tied scarf can make an outfit. If you are prepared to look great this winter and turn heads, read our short guide to basic scarf tying techniques! The […]


11 Weirdest Looks on the Runway

We usually present on our blog the good and fashion-forward clothes and outfits that we find as inspirational or example-worthy. But fashion is not always haute-couture, or not even prêt-à-porter. Sometimes, a designer makes a really bold move and it works, but sometimes it just doesn`t! Remember that movie, Zoolander? Anyway, today we have gathered […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice Style

10 ways to style up an outfit! (B)

They say that sometimes it’s the smallest things that make the biggest differences. In the short article you are about to read, we have put together a list of 10 things you can do to make an outfit stand out or just better looking and more interesting. It’s not about standing out, it’s about not […]

Accessories Style

Best men’s accessories at Milan Fashion week 2013

Accessories are a great way to style up an outfit or put a personal touch to it! Accessories can make or break an outfit! Designers come up with fabulous designs all the time and it’s really fun to learn what the trends are and who is setting them. Accessories are a great way to express […]

Basic Style Guides Style

What do the colors you wear say about you (B)?

Colors are a really important part of our lives. They are established symbols, such as traffic lights, but they also have a more subtle part their symbolism. There are colors we all perceive the same, for example everyone things of light blue as a calming color, because it’s the color of the sky, but not […]