Home Decor Metafashion

Seasonal Home Decor Inspired by Fashion

We change our wardrobes seasonally, paying close attention to current trends and fashions, while trying to maintain our own style. Well why not our home décor too? You have the opportunity to express your personal style by surrounding yourself with items that are not only practical, but also bring you joy. Consider how you can […]

Home Decor Metafashion

Metafashion: Why Your Home Environment is Important

Having your ducks in a row is such an obvious thing that it often gets unnoticed and neglected. On AC, we focus on the way your clothes will have you navigate through life better and make the best of your attitude and passions, but we also insist that you need to take care of all […]

Home Decor Metafashion

3 Things You Can Do to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

Metafashion is what we call here on Attire Club everything you do before and after you dress up. This includes the way you act, eat and do things, but also the way you keep your environment through home décor and good housekeeping. Your home appliances, from your hair dryer to your oven and heating system […]

Home Decor Metafashion

7 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Home’s Décor

Your home should  not only be a place to sleep at night, shower and eat in the morning, it should be, just like your clothes, an extension of you and should speak about who you are and what makes you tick. Every living environment, whether it’s a dorm room or a five-bedroom house should make you […]

Metafashion Style

A Guide To Houseshoes (B)

Shoes are one of the most discussed aspects of men’s fashion and fashion in general. It’s kind of clear that shoes are such an important aspect of life because there are basically very few moments of the week we spend shoeless. And while most magazines and blogs always focus on formal or sports shoes, we […]