Fashion Advice Pants T-shirts

The Jeans and T-shirt Combination Done Right (B)

When talking about fashion and clothes, many men (and women too) say “I’m a jeans and t-shirt”-kind of guy. By this, they mean that they will simply grab something that comes in handy and that is very comfortable. And, there is nothing wrong with that. This is exactly what your clothes should be: accessible at […]

Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice

3 Ways to Men Can Wear a Strong Color (B)

Today’s men’s fashion world is getting more and more colorful. The modern man doesn’t shy away anymore from wearing strong, very saturated colors. However, many men don’t know how actually wear a strong color. Pulling off colors like orange, pink, purple, yellow and indigo is something a lot of men want to do, but don’t […]

Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice Hoodies and Sweaters

A Beginner’s Guide to Men’s Sweaters (B)