Fashion World

The Essential Fashion Alphabet (B)

The fashion world has a language of its own. Fashion people have a whole jargon and phraseology that’s completely unique to the industry.  If you are a fashion rookie or want to take a deeper dive in the fashion world, there are certain words or phrases that are useful and come in handy any time. […]

Fashion Advice Pants T-shirts

The Jeans and T-shirt Combination Done Right (B)

When talking about fashion and clothes, many men (and women too) say “I’m a jeans and t-shirt”-kind of guy. By this, they mean that they will simply grab something that comes in handy and that is very comfortable. And, there is nothing wrong with that. This is exactly what your clothes should be: accessible at […]

Basic Style Guides T-shirts

The Guide To Undershirts (B)

Undershirts are a very important part of the clothes you need to have in your wardrobe, even if most people won’t get to see them. Wearing the right undershirt will make you feel great, which will make you look great. Undershirts are protective and serve for more than just making your skin invisible if you […]