Clothes Dress Shoes Pants Shoes

Here’s How to Wear Brown Shoes with Black Pants (B)

The known rule when it comes to matching black pants with shoes is that the shoes should also be black. However, this is one of those rules that, if pulled off right, can look amazing on a man.

Breaking this rule is not hard. The keyword one needs to remember that to make brown shoes go with black pants these need to be in contrast. In other words, the color of your shoes should have a distinct variance to the color of the pants. And, in the end, this makes sense: if the brown of your shoes is similar to your pants, it will look as if you are trying to present the shoes as black, which seems like you are trying to trick people. But if the two are clearly different, then the style intention will be crisp and clear.

Generally speaking, when you are dressing up for a dressier event, you should match your shoes to your pants; but for more casual occasions, you should definitely try a contrasting combo.

Sometimes fashion is not so much of the essence and exceptions can be made. For example, if you’re at work in the construction industry you can wear brown or black boots with whatever color of pants you like. On the job site you’re not really trying to impress anyone with your fashion style you’re just there to get the job done, chances are you’re going to get pretty dirty anyway.

There are a few things you can do except for contrast to make the combination better.



Light shoes

To make sure you have a strong contrast, opt for a light brown or cognac shoe. Remember that washed-out browns don’t generally look very good, so, while you should look for a pair of shoes that is light, you should make sure that the intensity and saturation are there. For a more subtle contrast, go for a wine-hued shoe – this should work even for a work environment if your company’s dress code allows.



Check the stitching

These days, you will often find shoes with colorful or simply contrasting stitchings. If you are going to make a style statement through your pants – shoes combo, this is a cool detail to which you can pay attention. The best way to go is for a black stitching, as this will make the whole ensemble more cohesive and put together, but you can also opt for some more colorful stitchings: dark red for example can be the cherry on the cake.



Match your shoes to everything else

Because you are creating an outfit that is based on breaking a rule, you want to make sure that it is clear that you are doing it consciously. This is why it is to match your shoes to other accessories or clothes you might be wearing. The most relevant ones are your belt and your watchstrap, should you be wearing a leather watchstrap. If you are wearing a suit, maybe a light pocket square can also be a nice touch, especially one with light white polka dots.

The brown shoes – black pants look can be done very easily if you make sure the two pieces contrast and that you compliment them with the other garments and accessories you are wearing. Also, paying attention to details such as stitching colors can represent a plus and give your outfit an edge.


However you want to do it, make sure that you are wearing your clothes and accessories with confidence, as, in the end, it is definitely true that real style comes from the mind and from your attitude.



Fraquoh and Franchomme






Further reading:

Style checklist: What to look for when buying pants

The guide to casual pants

How to dress up casual pants

6 tricks for impeccably polished leather shoes

A guide to polishing shoes

A guide to leather shoes

The guide to choosing fitting dress shoes

The different types of men’s dress shoes

The different types of men’s dress boots

The guide to colorful shoes

P.S We want to hear from you! Do you wear brown shoes with black pants? How? When and where do you wear this combination? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram!



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