Accessories Watches

Just In Time For Father’s Day: The Latest Luxury Watch Designs

Father’s Day is here and it’s a day to showcase some of our favorite luxury watches. These watches are really amazing and have what we like to call “classic potential”. And what man wouldn’t like an amazing watch? We have rounded up some of our favorites and the reason we love them. Forget the novelty […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Wallets

A Guide To Choosing Men’s Wallets (B)

Accessories Basic Style Guides Cufflinks

Your Guide To Buying Cufflinks (B)

We often wrote about cufflinks on our blog, because we think they are an interesting piece of accessories and can truly make an outfit,  by making it more personal and original. Cufflinks appeared about two hundreds years ago in the royal courts of France, and we’re happy that they have kept their elegant ideal and […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice Pocket Squares

How To Fold A Pocket Square (B)

Many of the outfits we showcase on the site include pocket squares, which we always say look great and that every man should try wearing one. Pocket square make great accessories and can really style up an outfit. Even though pocket squares might seem sometimes placed at random, there are several techniques and ways to […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Style

Tips on choosing your accessories (B)

Nowadays accessories have become a big deal, as they are more accessible to everyone and the palette of choices is really big. But, just like in the case of… well, anything, having too many choices can lead to confusion. If until recently women’s accessories were the only accessories around, now more companies produce accessories for […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Belts

How to Choose a Good Belt (B)

Men’s belts are something that is not very discussed and focused on. Maybe because belts come in few options so most men wonder “how hard can it be?”. In this article, we break down everything you need to know about belts, so that next time you put one on, you will be sure you have […]

Attire Club World

A last minute guide to Valentine’s gifts for him and her

A holiday like Valentine’s day can be a tricky event if you need to buy a gift for someone you like or wish to be your valentine! As a general rule, it is known that if you are highly familiar with someone, you probably know what they like and you can even give them as […]

Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice

Advice on How To Maintain a Tie (B)

When talking about men’s clothes it’s always talked about how to maintain and keep your suit in its best shape. We also discuss how to keep your shirts, shoes and other things, but what’s  rarely discussed is how to take care of a necktie. We don’t know why that is, as a well-maintained tie can […]

Accessories Fashion Advice Proficiency Style Guides Style

The Complete Guide to Choosing a Tie (P)

If there is one thing that is globally associated with men and style, that is the tie. The tie is the thing that confers a man elegance. In the article below, you will be able to read all things related to ties, broken down in sections.     Ties and fabrics


Just in time for 2013

Hy everyone! We hope you are ready for a great slide show! You are just in time here, as we are going to show you a few of this year`s best watches! Watches have a long tradition, dating back in the 15th century. At this time, watches were not worn, just carried along. The first […]

Accessories Basic Style Guides Fashion Advice

Gloves Are This Winter’s Must! (B)

Gloves have been around since Antiquity They protected us of many things through time, but thankfully, now we only have to wear them in winter (or when we ride a bike, etc). Gloves, like all things in clothing history have went through many changes but now they have become an accessory that every man must […]